Να συμβολιστεί με τον τύπο γραμμής, που φαίνεται στο υπόμνημα, ο σωλήνας κατάθλιψης λυμμάτων (συνεχής γραμή). Αυτή η παρατήρηση ισχύει και για τα ανεβάσματα σε όλα τα επίπεδα.
Be symbolized by line type, which appears in the memorandum, the sewage discharge pipe (continuous case). This observation applies to uploads at all levels.
Be denoted by the line type, shown in the legend, the slurry injector depression Tube (continuous grease). This observation also applies to uploads at all levels.
To be symbolised by the type of line shown in the memo, the plumbing depression tube (continuous line). This remark also applies to elevations at all levels.<br>