After the submission of cost statements and project deliverables, began the phase clarifications and negotiations of E. E. with the country/participating and with Greece/ ΤΕΟ A. E.In particular, the cost statement of ΤΕΟ A. E. followed the following procedure: With e-mail 11/01/2014, the ΤΕΟ S.A. received a letter from the E. C/ TENTEA,Which of the requested number of elements for selected projects invoices, totalling: 1,181,208.68 Euro. In this request the ΤΕΟ A. E. replied with all the documents requested (List of selected invoices,Invoices, reports), with electronic response and upload all data, 11/02/2014. The End E. E. returned with explanatory question 26/02/2014,Where called for detailed explanations for each selected invoice; individual project. On the basis of the contract, the margin's reply, is two months, with a deadline of 26/04/2014.The ΤΕΟ A. E.With the N. 4250/2014, Official Gazette A' 74/26-03-20104 was abolished and all the powers and obligations of international relations have been transferred to Egnatia S.A. . (As defined by the procedures of E. E. ,The non-response to requested of the negotiating phase, is considered negative and following the decision on the procedure selected invoices on the basis of the existing data. The thereafter as the E. E.Sent the list with the rejected elements - invoices and requested the mission statement new costs on the basis of the procedures of the EU. In response to the 3 , we would like to inform you that:All the invoices referred to, have already been sent to the EU (11/01/ 2014) .The mission of the data for the "studies" were wrong.In all European programs on working time include the costs for the closure of the program and is at the discretion of the negotiator to the claim by the E. E.In this phase the ΤΕΟ A. E. is in liquidation institution and may provide supportive role the Egnatia Motorway S.A. , in the field of international relations and for the duration of the liquidation,With access to the file and update for actions which were made until 26/03/2014. The end and after the oral consultation of all those involved requested an extension of time for the start of negotiations.The extension was granted by the EU has been set up to 09/09/2014. In this we would emphasize the following key points which should be mentioned in the letter to the E. E. :.Request remain in force of the statement of costs ΤΕΟ A. E. / Greece(4,711,902.08 Euro. ), which has sent 31/12/2013. The request and residence proof, list of selected invoices 11/01/2014.Request reply and send some clarifications on 26/02/2014, request of E. E. due to the current weakness of the liquidation ΤΕΟ A. E.Process has been started to access the electronic file and for recruiting staff to work and to find the information. The relevant draft law goes to the vote,In order to enable full access to the files and the recruitment appropriate supportive staff, so that the liquidation ΤΕΟ A. E.To provide full support to the statements required by the Via Egnatia S.A. and E. E. The estimated period for the passage of the bill by the Greek Parliament, is one month.
For the benefit of other clarifications, from 26/02/2014 letter of E. E. , referred to the provision of information: for the way in which notices for each selected project.
The detailed interpretation of the selected invoice 23. The documents SAP extract /proof of payment. The details of the work of tariffs 31-32
needs to request an extension 2 months,In order to pass the draft law (1 month) and (1 month) to complete the preparation of further clarification.
It is obvious that in the present letter we will make request to start substantive discussions on setting up the issues.
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