Θέλω επίσης να μου πείτε έναν εύκολο τρόπο για να σας στείλω τις αποδείξεις από τα ρούχα που αγόρασα όσο ήμουν στη Μαγιόρκα και δεν είχα την βαλίτσα μου. Θα προτιμούσα να τις στείλω μέσω email γιατί μου είναι πιο εύκολο.
I also want to tell me an easy way to send you the proofs of the clothes that I bought as I was in Mallorca and I had my suitcase. I would prefer to send via my email because it's easier.
I also want to tell me an easy way to send your receipts from the clothes that I bought while I was in Mallorca and I had my suitcase. I would prefer to send them through email because it is easier to me.