Στο κεφάλαιο 4, γίνεται η παρουσίαση των ψυκτικών ή θερμικών φορτίων που πρέπει να ληφθούν υπόψην σε μία μελέτη, καθώς και των εξωτερικών συστημάτων κλιματισμού αέρα - νερού και εδάφους - νερού σε επίπεδο κεντρικής θέρμανσης.
In Chapter 4, made the presentation of cooling or heating loads that must be taken into account in one study, as well as external air conditioning systems-water and ground-water central heating level.
In Chapter 4, the presentation is made of cooling or heating loads to be taken into consideration in a study, and the external air conditioning systems - water and soil - water heating level.
In the fourth chapter, the need for cold or thermal loads is introduced in a study of air water and soil water central heating in a study of foreign and air conditioning systems.