Χρειάζομαι την βοήθεια σας.Είμαι επαγγελματιας μάγειρας,πατέρας 6 παιδιών προσπαθώ να δημιουργήσω ένα εστιατόριο μεσογειακής κουζίνας χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο βιολογικά υλικά ελαιόλαδο και βότανα της Μεσογείου
I need your help. I am professional Cook, father of 6 children I try to create a restaurant of Mediterranean cuisine using only organic ingredients olive oil and Mediterranean herbs
I need help sas.Eimai professional cook, father of 6 children try to create a Mediterranean cuisine restaurant using only organic materials oil and herbs Mediterranean
I need a professional chef to help me to be the father of six children, and I would like to create a Mediterranean Mediterranean olive oil and vanilla with only the kitchen dining room.