The school management is regarded as one of the most important functio μετάφραση - The school management is regarded as one of the most important functio Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

The school management is regarded a

The school management is regarded as one of the most important functions in the administrative work of the educational institutions which ensures for the most efficient materialization of its objectives. The task of school management is to continually seek for innovative methods in order to increase the quality of the daily educational work. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a means of modernizing not only the educational process but the completion of administrative tasks as well. The schools’ managers in Secondary Education increasingly use ICT as facilitators in the handling of their administrative obligations, which is consistent with the requirements of a modern "digital" reality. This study deals with the research of the managers’ digital profile and records their attitudes and perceptions regarding the integration and use of ICT in the administrative process of a school organization, focusing on the managers’ familiarization in the implementation of ICT and the research of their specific training needs. A mixed methodological research approach was adopted (a quantitative and a qualitative one), using as methodological data collection tools the structured questionnaire and the semi - structured interview respectively. The current study surveyed a random sample of 107 High School principals during the school year of 2014-2015 for the quantitative part and a purposive sample of 9 principals for the qualitative part of the research. The findings of the research reveal that managers as ardent supporters of the use of ICT in the organization and administration of their schools and they create a rich digital profile, while they definitely recognize the importance of ICT for the improvement of the administrative process in schools. Although the respondents of the research are very familiar with the use of ICT, nonetheless this does not mean that there are no educational training needs which must be taken seriously into consideration by the policy makers of the training programs.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, ICT in educational administration, principals’ digital profile, training programs
Η παγκοσμιοποημένη κοινωνική πραγματικότητα που κατακλύζεται από την τεχνολογική έκρηξη, επηρεάζει και το χώρο της εκπαίδευσης που οφείλει να εναρμονιστεί με τη νέα ψηφιακή πραγματικότητα. Η υιοθέτηση των Τεχνολογιών της Πληροφορίας και των Επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ) αποτελεί σημαντικό στοιχείο του πολιτισμού του σύγχρονου κόσμου, δημιουργώντας νέες απαιτήσεις και προκλήσεις ιδιαίτερα στον εκπαιδευτικό τομέα, καθώς παρέχονται νέοι τρόποι μάθησης, πληροφόρησης, επικοινωνίας και εργασίας [1]. Ολοένα και περισσότερες χώρες αξιοποιούν τις Νέες Τεχνολογίες (ΝΤ) στη διοίκηση των εκπαιδευτικών τους μονάδων, καθώς συντελούν στην αποτελεσματικότερη και αποδοτικότερη επεξεργασία και οργάνωση της διοικητικής πληροφορίας και βαθμιαία οδηγούν στον εκσυγχρονισμό και κατ’ επέκταση τη βελτίωση της διοικητικής διεργασίας. Οι ΤΠΕ αποτελούν το στήριγμα της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας συμβάλλοντας στην εγρήγορση και απλοποίηση των διοικητικών λειτουργιών και στη μεταρρύθμιση της επικοινωνίας στην εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα [2] καθιστώντας το «Νέο Σχολείο» ανταγωνιστικό ώστε να ανταποκριθεί στα κελεύσματα της «πληροφορικής» κουλούρας στον ευρωπαϊκό χώρο. Η έννοια των ΤΠΕ ενσωματώνει τις μεθόδους, τα μέσα και τις εφαρμογές, τα οποία όμως δεν θα είχαν καμία απολύτως σημασία αν δεν σηματοδοτούνταν από το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό που καλείται να υιοθετήσει τα σύγχρονα πληροφοριακά συστήματα. Ο ενορχηστρωτής αυτής της διαδικασίας ένταξης των ΝΤ στην παιδαγωγική και διοικητική διαδικασία θεωρείται ο διευθυντής του σχολείου, ο οποίος παρωθώντας το εκπαιδευτικό και διοικητικό του προσωπικό θα μπορέσει να μεταλαμπαδεύσει την «ψηφιακή» κουλτούρα, ώστε να συντελέσει στην αποτελεσματικότητα της εκπαιδευτικής διοίκησης και στην ευέλικτη διεκπεραίωση των διοικητικών εργασιών.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
The school management is regarded as one of the most important functions in the administrative work of the educational institutions which ensures for the most efficient materialization of its objectives. The task of school management is to continually seek for innovative methods in order to increase the quality of the daily educational work. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a means of modernizing not only the educational process but the completion of administrative tasks as well. The schools' managers in Secondary Education increasingly use ICT as facilitators in the handling of their administrative obligations, which is consistent with the requirements of a modern "digital" reality. This study deals with the research of the managers' digital profile and records their attitudes and perceptions regarding the integration and use of ICT in the administrative process of a school organization, focusing on the managers' familiarization in the implementation of ICT and the research of their specific training needs. A mixed methodological research approach was adopted (a quantitative and a qualitative one), using as methodological data collection tools the structured questionnaire and the semi - structured interview respectively. The current study surveyed a random sample of 107 High School principals during the school year of 2014-2015 for the quantitative part and a purposive sample of 9 principals for the qualitative part of the research. The findings of the research reveal that managers as ardent supporters of the use of ICT in the organization and administration of their schools and they create a rich digital profile, while they definitely recognize the importance of ICT for the improvement of the administrative process in schools. Although the respondents of the research are very familiar with the use of ICT, nonetheless this does not mean that there are no educational training needs which must be taken seriously into consideration by the policy makers of the training programs.Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, ICT in educational administration, principals' digital profile, training programs 1 INTRODUCTIONThe pagkosmiopoimeni social reality dominated by the technological explosion, also affects the education that must be attuned to the new digital reality. The adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) is an essential element of the culture of the modern world, creating new requirements and challenges especially in the educational sector, provided new ways of learning, information, communication and working conditions [1]. More and more countries take advantage of the new Technologies (NF) in the administration of their educational units, contributing to more effective and more efficient processing and organizing administrative information and gradually lead to the modernisation and improvement of the administrative process. ICT constitute the mainstay of society contributing to alertness and simplify administrative functions and reform of the communication in educational community [2] making it the "new school" competitive in order to respond to the ' callings ' coils in the European area. The concept of ICT incorporates methods, tools and applications, but which would not have any meaning if not simatodotoyntan from the manpower required to adopt modern information systems. The arranger of this accession process of NF in pedagogic and administrative procedure assumes the Director of the school, who by urging the educational and administrative staff will be able to offer "digital culture", in order to contribute to the effectiveness of the educational administration and flexible handling of administrative tasks.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
The school management is regarded as one of the most important functions in the administrative work of the educational institutions which ensures for the most efficient materialization of its objectives. The task of school management is to continually seek for innovative methods in order to increase the quality of the daily educational work. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a means of modernizing not only the educational process but the completion of administrative tasks as well. The schools' managers in Secondary Education increasingly use ICT as facilitators in the handling of their administrative obligations, which is consistent with the requirements of a modern "digital" reality. This study deals with the research of the managers 'digital profile and records their attitudes and perceptions regarding the integration and use of ICT in the administrative process of a school organization, focusing on the managers' familiarization in the implementation of ICT and the research of their specific training needs. A mixed methodological research approach was adopted (a quantitative and a qualitative one), using as methodological data collection tools the structured questionnaire and the semi - structured interview respectively. The current study surveyed a random sample of 107 High School principals during the school year of 2014-2015 for the quantitative part and a purposive sample of 9 principals for the qualitative part of the research. The findings of the research reveal that managers as ardent supporters of the use of ICT in the organization and administration of their schools and they create a rich digital profile, while they definitely recognize the importance of ICT for the improvement of the administrative process in schools. Although The respondents of The Research are very Familiar with The Use of ICT, nonetheless this does not Mean That There are No Educational Training Needs Which must BE taken Seriously Into Consideration by The Policy Makers of The Training Programs.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, ICT in Educational Administration, principals' Digital Profile, Training Programs
The pagkosmiopoimeni social reality overwhelmed by the technological explosion, affects the area of education that must be harmonized with the new digital reality. The adoption of Information Technologies and Communication (ICT) is an important element of the culture of the modern world, creating new demands and challenges particularly in the education sector, as new ways of learning provided information, communication and work [1]. More and more countries are getting New Technology (NT) in the administration of their educational units, as contributing to the effective and efficient processing and organization of administrative information and gradually lead to the modernization and thereby improve the administrative process. ICTs provide the backbone of the Information Society helping to alert and simplification of administrative functions and communication reform in the educational community [2] making the "New School" competitive to meet the dictates of the "IT" coil in Europe. The concept of ICT incorporates the methods, means and applications, but would have absolutely no significance if not signaled by the manpower required to adopt modern information systems. The arranger of this integration process of NT in the pedagogical and administrative procedure considered by the school head, who parothontas teaching and administrative staff will be able to pass on the "digital" culture, in order to contribute to the effectiveness of educational administration and flexible processing administrative tasks.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
The school management is regarded as one of the most important functions in the administrative rulings work of the educational institutions which ensures for the most efficient materialization of its objectives. The task of school management is to continually seek for innovative methods in order to increase the quality of the daily educational work.The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a means of modernizing not only the educational process but the completion of administrative rulings tasks as well. The schools' managers in Secondary Education increasingly use ICT as facilitators in the handling of their administrative rulings bonds, which is consistent with the requirements of a modern "digital" reality.This study deals with the research of the managers' digital profile and records their attitudes and perceptions regarding the integration and use of ICT in the administrative rulings process of a school organization, focusing on the managers' familiarization in the implementation of ICT and the research of their specific training needs.A mixed methodological research approach was adopted (a while using and a qualitative one), using as methodological data collection tools the cannot anonymize Structured questionnaire and the semi - cannot anonymize Structured interview respectively.The current study surveyed a random sample of 107 High School principals during the school year of 2014-2015 for the while using part and a purposive sample of 9 principals for the qualitative part of the research.The findings of the research reveal that managers as ardent city supporters of the use of ICT in the organization and administration of their schools and audio commentaries by create a rich digital profile, while audio commentaries by definitely 'the importance:of ICT for the improvement of the administrative rulings process in schools. Although the respondents of the research are very familiar with the use of ICT,Nonetheless this films are as follows not mean that there are no educational training needs which must be taken seriously into consideration by the policy makers of the training programs.The Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, ICT in educational administration, principals' digital profile, training programs 1 INTRODUCTION
The παγκοσμιοποημένη social reality that is swamped by the technological explosion, influences and the area of education which must be harmonized with the new digital reality.The adoption of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) is an important element of the culture of the modern world.Creating new demands and challenges particularly in the field of education, as well as provide new ways learning, information, communication and work (1).More and more countries take advantage of the new technologies (NF) in the administration of educational units,As well as contributing to more efficient and effective processing and organization of administrative information and gradually lead to modernisation and thus improving the administrative process.ICT is the holder of the Information Society by helping to alert and simplification of administrative functions and the reform of communication in educational community (2) making it"New School" competitive in order to meet the objections of "it" Kouloura in the European area.The concept of ICT incorporates the methods, tools and applications,But they will not have absolutely no importance if not σηματοδοτούνταν from the human resources required to adopt modern information systems.The Mr of this accession process of NF to pedagogical and administrative procedure shall be considered as the director of the school,Who παρωθώντας instructional and administrative staff will be able to share the "digital" culture,In order to contribute to the effectiveness of educational administration and flexible handling of administrative work.

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