Είμαι βαθιά ρομαντικός άνθρωπος. Αυτόν τον ρομαντισμό κάποιοι τον λένε ηλιθιότητα...Ναι!!! Προτιμώ να είμαι ηλίθια, παρά σκλάβος του χρήματος και των θρησκειών σας...κυρίες και κύριοι
I am deeply romantic man. This romance some say stupidity ... Yes!!! I prefer to be stupid, rather than a slave of money and religions ... Ladies and gentlemen
I am deeply romantic man. This romance some say the stupidity ... Yes !!! I prefer to be stupid, despite a slave of money and your religions ... ladies and gentlemen
I'm deeply romantic. He said he was a bit of a romantic romance! !! I would rather I was a fool than a slave to money, your religion, ladies and gentlemen