Συμφωνώ μαζί σου, Η ζωή είναι γεμάτη εμπειρίες και ένα μεγάλο σχολείο. μετάφραση - Συμφωνώ μαζί σου, Η ζωή είναι γεμάτη εμπειρίες και ένα μεγάλο σχολείο. Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Συμφωνώ μαζί σου, Η ζωή είναι γεμάτ

Συμφωνώ μαζί σου, Η ζωή είναι γεμάτη εμπειρίες και ένα μεγάλο σχολείο. Η ζωή όμως είναι και περίεργη. Σου παίρνει πράγματα και σου φέρνει άλλα. Αν υπάρχει κάποιος λόγος για αυτόν τον επώδυνο δρόμο ζωής, αυτός είναι για να μαθαίνεις πράγματα. Είμαι τυχερή που έχω δίπλα μου ανθρώπους που με αγαπούν και με εκτιμούν. Είμαι τυχερή γιατί οι γονείς μου ήταν πάντα δίπλα μου, έχω έναν αδερφό που με τον τρόπο του μου συμπαραστέκεται. Είμαι τυχερή γιατί έχω δύο υπέροχες κόρες, ευλογία από τον Θεό. Είμαι τυχερή γιατί γνώρισα σημαντικούς ανθρώπους,ανθρώπους που μου έμαθαν, που με συμβούλεψαν, που μου συμπαραστάθηκαν.Είμαι τυχερή γιατί γνώρισα εσένα. Έχω γνωρίσει και ανθρώπους ανάξιους, τιποτένιους. Ανθρώπους που με πλήγωσαν και μου φέρθηκαν σαν σκουπίδι. Και από αυτούς κάτι έμαθα.
Πόνεσα και πληγώθηκα. Έμαθα κάτι. Να εμπιστεύομαι περισσότερο το ένστικτό μου, να είμαι πιο aware και conscious και να είμαι πιο χαλαρή. Δεν αξίζει να μοιραζόμαστε σε καταστάσεις και ανθρώπους, που δεν μας αξίζουν. Η ζωή είναι μοναχική πορεία. Τα δάκρυα και ο πόνος δεν έχουν χρώμα, δεν έχουν οσμή, δεν έχουν νόημα στην ανάμνηση. Είμαι άνθρωπος. Από την άλλη .υπάρχουν συνοδοιπόροι, που βλέπουν στην ίδια κατεύθυνση, στην ίδια πορεία, στον ίδιο προορισμό. Θα τους ακολουθήσω. Όσο για την φιλία πιστεύω, ότι οι αληθινοί φίλοι δέχονται την διαφορετικότητα μας,δίχως να προσπαθήσουν να μας αλλάξουν.
Μία συμβουλή,μην επαινείς τόσο πολύ, θα αρχίζω να το πιστεύω.
Σήμερα είναι μία περίεργη ημέρα με πολύ κούραση και πολύ τρέξιμο.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I agree with you, life is full of experiences and a great school. But life is also curious. Gets you things and brings you more. If there is a reason for this painful way of life, he is to learn things. I am lucky that I have next to me people who love me and appreciate me. I'm lucky because my parents were always beside me, I have a brother who in the way of my support. I'm lucky because I have two wonderful daughters, a blessing from God. I'm lucky because I met important people, people who taught me, with me, saying I stood I'm lucky because I met you. I've met people and unworthy, contemptible. People who sin against me and treated me like garbage. And from them I learned something.Hurt and wounded. I learned something. To trust my instincts more, be more conscious and aware and be more relaxed. Not worth sharing on situations and people, that we don't deserve. Life is lonely path. The tears and the pain have no color, no smell, have no meaning to the commemoration. I am a man. On the other are companions, facing the same direction, on the same path, to the same destination. They will follow you. As for the friendship I think true friends accept diversity, without trying to change us.One tip, don't praise so much, I am starting to believe it.Today is a weird day with very tired and a lot of running.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
I agree with you, Life is full of experiences and a great school. But life is strange. He takes things and brings you more. If there is a reason for this painful road of life, it is to learn things. I am lucky that I have next to me people who love and appreciate. I am lucky because my parents were always there for me, I have a brother who in the way of my stands. I'm lucky because I have two beautiful daughters, a blessing from God. I'm lucky because I met important people, people who taught me, who advised that symparastathikan.Eimai my lucky because I met you. I have met people and unworthy, contemptible. People who hurt and treated me like trash. And from them I learned something.
I hurt and wounded. I learned something. Be more trust my instincts, to be more aware and conscious and be more relaxed. Not worth sharing to situations and people, who do not deserve us. Life is lonely path. Tears and pain have no color, no smell, no sense in memory. I am human. On the other .There companions, facing in the same direction on the same path to the same destination. I will follow them. As for friendship believe that true friends accept our differences, without trying to change us.
One tip, do not praise so much, I start to believe it.
Today is a strange day with very tired and very run.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
I agree with you, life is full of experience, a big school. Life is strange. Bring your stuff, bring you more. If there are people who are more than the pain of life on the road, this is the thing to learn. I am very lucky to have the person next to me to enjoy and appreciate. I was lucky, because my parents were always by my side, I had a brother who supported me in his own way. I am very lucky, because I have two lovely daughters, the blessing of god. I was lucky, because I meet someone important, I learned and advice, sigma upsilon Mu PI alpha rho, alpha sigma tau theta ETA kappa alpha nu. Epsilon Mu alpha iota lucky, because I met you. I know the man, not worthy, mean guy. People who hurt me, treat me like crap. I learned something from them.I hurt you, hurt me. I learned something. Let me trust my instincts more, I realize that I am more relaxed and conscious. Not worth sharing the situation and our people, not worth it. Life is a lonely road. Tears and pain, no color, no smell, no sense of memory. My man. Another has to travel to see the same course in the same direction, to the same destination. We followed them. As for friendship, I think true friends accept our diversity, not trying to change us.A piece of advice, don"t believe so much, I began to believe.Today is a very strange day for the tiring and long run.
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