λαμβανοντας τη γνωμη του κοινου υπόψη, η κριτικη επιτροπή (που αποτελείται από γνωστες bloggers +εκπροσωπο χορηγου) αποφασίζει 3 νικήτριες που κερδίζουν ένα μηνα συνεργασίας η κάθε μια με το MissBloom.gr
beside the public opinion into account, the Review Committee (which consists of nearly all best known bloggers + chorigoy) 3 winners winning decides a month each a cooperation with MissBloom.gr
by consulting the public mind, the jury (consisting of knowledgeable bloggers + representative donors) decide three winners who win a month cooperation with each MissBloom.gr
Taking into the opinion of the public account, the review commission (composed of γνωστες bloggers are unable χορηγου) decide 3 winners to win a month cooperation each with MissBloom.gr