Γνώρισα στην πορεία της ζωής, υπέροχους ανθρώπους και με συγκίνησε ο τ μετάφραση - Γνώρισα στην πορεία της ζωής, υπέροχους ανθρώπους και με συγκίνησε ο τ Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Γνώρισα στην πορεία της ζωής, υπέρο

Γνώρισα στην πορεία της ζωής, υπέροχους ανθρώπους και με συγκίνησε ο τρόπος που αντιμετωπίζουν τους συνανθρώπους μας που έχουν ανάγκη,γιατί πιστεύω ότι μέσα από την ευαισθητοποίηση, τη συνεργασία και τη κοινωνική αλληλεγγύη θα καταφέρουμε να επαναπροσδιορίσουμε τις ανθρώπινες αξίες. Γνώρισα όμως και ανθρώπους,με ψέμα, με κολακεία, με δόλο πλησίασμα, όλα αυτά που κρύβουν μια διαφθορά. Γνώρισα όμως και ανθρώπους ξεχωριστούς,μοναδικούς,που μου δίνουν την αίσθηση ότι δεν είμαι μόνη, αλλά κάπου υπάρχουν οι ξεχωριστοί αυτοί άνθρωποι για να σε αγκαλιάσουν. Αν τους έχεις βρει να τους αγαπάς και να τους προσέχεις, όπως αυτοί αγαπούν και προσέχουν εσένα. Αν δεν τους έχεις βρει, μην το βάζεις κάτω. Υπάρχουν και σε περιμένουν να τους βρεις. Και όταν τους βρεις και δεις πόσο όμορφη ψυχή έχουν, τότε θα καταλάβεις τι διαθέτεις και εσύ. Μα πάνω από οτιδήποτε να θυμάσαι αυτό. Καμία σχέση δεν θα κρατήσει περισσότερο στη ζωή σου, από αυτή με τον εαυτό σου, οπότε μη τον υποβιβάζεις και μάθε τι αξίζει. Εγώ ξέρω, και είμαι ήδη περήφανη για εσένα. Ralph,να περάσεις όμορφα την μέρα σου,με τους φίλους σου,να χαλαρώσεις,να ακούσεις μουσική,να ταξιδέψεις με την σκέψη σου δίπλα μου,να νιώσεις γλυκά και ρομαντικά και να ξέρεις, μια γλυκιά σκέψη κυριεύει την καρδιά μου, εσύ.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I met in the course of life, wonderful people and moved me the way we treat our fellow human beings in need, because I believe that through awareness, co-operation and social solidarity will manage to redefine human values. I met though and people, to lie with flattery, fraudulently approximation, all those who conceal a corruption. I met though and people separate, unique, that give me the feeling that I'm not alone, but somewhere there are separate people to embrace. If you have found love them and take care of them, as they love and watch over you. If you don't have you found, don't give up. There are waiting for you to find them. And when you find them and see how beautiful soul they have, then you will understand what you have and you. But more than anything, remember this. Nothing will keep more in your life, than yourself, so do not you him and find out what it's worth. I know, and I am already proud of you. Ralph, spend your day nicely, with your friends, relax, listen to music, to travel with the thinking of you beside me, to feel sweet and romantic and you know, a sweet thought overwhelms my heart, thou.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
I met along the way of life, great people and moved me the way we treat our fellow human beings in need, because I believe that through awareness, cooperation and social solidarity will be able to redefine human values. But I met people with a lie, with flattery, with approaching deliberately, all that conceal corruption. But I met special people, unique, giving me the feeling that I am not alone, but somewhere there are such separate people for a hug. If you find them to love them and watch them as they love and look after you. If you have not found them, do not give up. There are waiting for you to find them. And when you find them and see how pretty soul have, then you will understand what has and you. But above all remember that. No relationship will not keep more in your life than with yourself, so do the demoted and learn what it is worth. I know, and I'm already proud of you. Ralph, nicely spend your day with your friends, relax, listen to music, to travel with your thoughts next to me, to feel sweet and romantic and you know, a sweet thought gripped my heart, thou.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
The people I meet on the road of life, let me touch the face of the needs of our fellow citizens, because I believe that through our cooperation and social unity, we will redefine the values of humanity. However, the people I met, with flattery, malicious lies, chasing, those hidden corruption. However, meet the people of different, unique, give me the feeling that I am not the only special place, but someone to hug you. If you find your love for them and take care of them, because they love and care for you. If you can"t find it, don"t give it up. Have to find them. When they see the beauty of the soul to find you, then you will understand. But the most important to remember. Any relationship will last much longer in your life, it is your own, so don"t put anything worth learning. I know, I"m proud of you. Ralph, spend a beautiful day, you and your friends, relax, listen to music, travel, your thoughts with me, let you feel sweet and romantic, you know, a sweet idea has my heart, you.
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