Ralph,συγνώμη, δεν έχω καταλάβει. Πληροφορίες θέλεις για το νησί της Σ μετάφραση - Ralph,συγνώμη, δεν έχω καταλάβει. Πληροφορίες θέλεις για το νησί της Σ Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Ralph,συγνώμη, δεν έχω καταλάβει. Π

Ralph,συγνώμη, δεν έχω καταλάβει. Πληροφορίες θέλεις για το νησί της Σκοπέλου ή για την περιοχή του Πηλίου και την Τσαγκαράδα? Μπορώ να σου στείλω ότι πληροφορίες θέλεις, αρκεί λίγο, να με βοηθήσεις. Θα πρέπει να σου πω,ότι μετά το email σου, έχω μελαγχολήσει. Δεν μπορώ να κάνω βασικά πράγματα, όπως το να φροντίσω την καθαριότητα μας, να κάνω μπάνιο, να φάω, να δουλέψω ή να κοιμηθώ. Νιώθω θλίψη,απαισιοδοξία, και μια αίσθηση κενού,στην ιδέα ότι μπορεί, να μη σε δω ποτέ,να μην σε αγγίξω,να μην νιώσω την ανάσα σου, να μην ακούσω την καρδιά σου,να μην γευτώ το φιλί σου και την αγκαλιά σου. Έχω απώλεια ενδιαφέροντος για όλες ή σχεδόν όλες τις δραστηριότητες της καθημερινότητας,πολύ δύκολα ασχολήθηκα λίγο με τον κήπο,γιατί το πρωί πήγαμε με την Ελπίδα και αγοράσαμε φυτά καιλουλούδια για το μπαλκόνι του διαμερίσματος της. Έτσι αγόρασα και για το σπίτι κυκλάμινα για τα παράθυρα και έπρεπε να τα φυτέψω(να είναι όμορφα για τον γάμο).
Γίνεται μία μάχη μέσα μου, δεν κάνω απολύτως τίποτα προς καμιά κατεύθυνση. Καθόμαι εκεί απλά και βλέπω τη ζωή μου να περνάει, έτσι αδιάφορα μπροστά από τα μάτια μου. Θα αρχίσω να λειτουργώ,αλλά τώρα είμαι ανήμπορη για οτιδήποτε,προσπάθησε σε παρακαλώ να με καταλάβεις.
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Ralph, sorry, haven't figured out. Information you want on the island of Skopelos or region of Pilion and tsagarada; I can send you that information you want, as long as little, help me. I must tell you, that after your email, I have melagcholisei. I can't do basic things, like take care of cleanliness, to do bathroom, to eat, to work or to sleep. I feel sadness, pessimism, and a sense of emptiness, in the idea that can not see ever, not to touch, not to feel your breath, you don't hear your heart, not to taste your kiss and hug you. I have lost interest in all or almost all activities of everyday life, very dykola I was involved a bit in the garden, because the morning we went with hope and we bought kailoyloydia plants on the balcony of the apartment. So I bought and for the home cyclamens for Windows and had to plant (to be beautiful for the marriage).It becomes a battle within myself, not do anything towards any direction. Kathomai just there and I see my life go by, so casually in front of my eyes. Will begin to function, but now I am helpless to anything, tried to please understand me.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Ralph, sorry, I do not understand. Information you want on the island of Skopelos or region of Pelion and Tsagarada; I can send you information that you want, just enough to help me. You need to tell you that after your email, I melancholisei. I can not do basic things like take care of our cleanliness, to take a bath, to eat, to work or to sleep. I feel sadness, pessimism, and a sense of vacuum, the idea that you, not to ever see, not to touch, not to feel your breath, do not listen to your heart, not taste your kiss and your embrace . I've lost interest in all or almost all activities of daily life, dykola dealt very little with the garden, because in the morning we went to the Hope and bought kailouloudia plants on the balcony of the apartment. So I bought the cyclamen home windows and had to plant them (to be beautiful for the wedding).
It is a battle within me, not do anything in any direction. Just sit there and see my life go so casually in front of my eyes. Will begin to operate, but now I'm helpless about anything, tried to please understand me.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Ralph, I"m sorry, I don"t understand. The information you want, the sigma kappa / lambda V / PI island or mountain and alpha kappa alpha tau gamma sigma delta alpha Rho? I can send you the information you want, just a little, help me. I have to tell you, then your email, I am very frustrated. I can"t do basic things like taking care of our cleaning, bathing, eating, working or sleeping. I feel sad, pessimistic, and a feeling of vacuum, that may not see you, never touch you, do not feel your breath, do not listen to your heart, do not taste your kiss and hug you. I am interested in all or almost all of the activities, daily life is very tough, I was in the garden, because this morning we hope and kappa alpha iota lambda V / plant / iota alpha lambda delta buy apartment balcony. So I bought the windows of the house and planting of Cyclamen (should be a beautiful wedding).I was an inner struggle, I absolutely did not to any direction. Kappa alpha theta alpha iota Mu there just to see my life and experience, so carelessly in front of me. I started to work, but now I can"t do anything, please try to understand.
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