Responsible bailiff can legally serve our present EDUCATION [no. deposit 1942/13/10/2016 Single Patras Court, regular process] in the company under the name Patras SHIPPING AGENCIES SA, located in Patras [Othonos Amalias no. 96] duly represented, as an agent in the port of Patras, the Maltese flag ships a) EUROCARGO TRIESTE, with IMO number: 9131515, ISS: 9IA3276, GRT: 26 536, nrt: 9872, 1997 year of construction b) EUROCARGO PATRASSO, with IMO number: 9131527, ISS: 9IA3275, GRT: 26 536, nrt: 9872, nafpigisis1998 year as well, the companies: legal representative in Greece
1. The foreign company under the name «MALTA MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA LIMITED» ( MALTA MOTORGEIS MPA NOT LIMITINT SI), headquartered in Valletta Malta (street 21-22, St. Barbara Bastion, Valletta, VLT 06), IMO: 5202526, ( member of the group named 'GRIMALDI gROUP'), legally represented,
two. The foreign company under the name 'GRIMALDI EUROMED SpA', (Grimaldi GIOUROMENT HS III EI), based in Palermo, Italy (via EmericoAmari, 8, 90139) , ( member of the group named 'GRIMALDI GROUP'), legally represented, fOR KNOWLEDGE oF and the legal consequences, called (foreign companies) (i) to submit proposals and provide all evidence and procedural documents within one hundred days from the filing of the present action (ii) the present at the examination of our witnesses: ( a) Nicholas Petropoulos Peter and Krystallia resident Ag. Vassiliou Patras (street Iroon, no. 30), an agent retired, and (b) Spyridon Boutsinas of Gerasimos and Calliope, a resident of Patras (street Nikita, no. 62 -68), ID No .: AK-3411299/2013, as proof of our present action.
Patras November 11, 2016
the Attorney Lawyer
GOUNARI, 21-23 Patras
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