Εγώ, είχα έναν λόγο να είμαι με τον Φερνάντο Σάντος και την ομάδα του. μετάφραση - Εγώ, είχα έναν λόγο να είμαι με τον Φερνάντο Σάντος και την ομάδα του. Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Εγώ, είχα έναν λόγο να είμαι με τον

Εγώ, είχα έναν λόγο να είμαι με τον Φερνάντο Σάντος και την ομάδα του. Το 2001 και 2002 ήταν προπονητής σε δύο μεγάλες ομάδες της Αθήνας, στην ΑΕΚ και στον Παναθηναικό. Το 2004 ανέλαβε για δεύτερη φορά την ΑΕΚ, και το 2006 η ΑΕΚ κατάφερε τελικά να πάρει το πολυπόθητο εισιτήριο για τα προκριματικά του Champions League. Το δυνατό χαρτί της Πορτογαλίας ήταν η πολύ καλή τους ψυχολογία από την αρχή της διοργάνωσης μέχρι που έφυγε ο Ρονάλντο από τον αγώνα, εγώ πάντως ήμουν με την Γαλλία. Αυτή όμως είναι η γοητεία ενός παιχνιδιού, δεν ξέρεις ποτέ , τι σου επιφυλάσσει. Ralph,με τρελαίνει η ιδέα, ότι μπορεί να επιστρέψεις κάποια στιγμή στην Ελλάδα. Νιώθω τιμή, συγκίνηση,υπερηφάνεια και θαυμασμό για την χώρα μου. Όπως τα παιδιά μου με εκπλήσσουν και νιώθω περήφανη, έτσι νιώθω πολύ περήφανη και για σένα. Όταν έχεις βρει το σκοπό για τον οποίο είσαι εδώ, με οτιδήποτε μικρό ή μεγαλύτερο κι αν ασχολείσαι, όλα έχουν νόημα, νιώθεις πλήρης και ευτυχισμένος. Οι άνθρωποι έρχονται στη ζωή μας ,είτε για εμπειρία,είτε για κάποιο λόγο, είτε για ορισμένο χρόνο, είτε για πάντα. Σε ευχαριστώ που είμαι μέρος αυτής της εμπειρίας σου. Σε ευχαριστώ που είμαι κομμάτι της ζωής σου!
Να εκφράσω ένα παράπονο μου, δεν θέλω να σε κερδίσει η Τοσκάνη,οι επιλογές είναι δικές σου. Νομίζω πως μπορώ να ρωτήσω κάτι, μετά από τόσο καιρό, δεν είσαι ακόμη συνταξιούχος?
Σήμερα ξεκινάει μια πολύ κουραστική εβδομάδα, το πρωί πήγα με την Άννα για αιμοληψία,το απόγευμα θα πάμε στο γιατρό και ύστερα πρέπει να πάω σε κάποια εγκαίνεια. Την Τρίτη, έχουμε την τελευταία πρόβα του νυφικού και μετα έχω ραντεβού για λειζερ. Την Τετάρτη, έχουμε δύο επισκέψεις στον γιατρό. Την Πέμπτη έχουμε ραντεβού στο νοσοκομείο, έχεις κουραστεί, αλλά έτσι είμαι εγώ, κινούμε συνεχώς.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I, I had a reason to be with Fernando Santos and his team. In 2001 and 2002 were coach in two large groups of Athens, AEK and Panathinaikos in. In 2004 he took over for the second time AEK Athens, and the 2006 AEK managed finally to get a coveted ticket to the Champions League qualifiers. The powerful paper Portugal was very good the psychology of the beginning of the event until he left Ronaldo out of the race, I was with France. But that is the charm of a game, you don't know what you ever reserving. Ralph, with crazy idea, that can return sometime in Greece. I feel price, emotion, pride and admiration for my country. As my kids amaze me and feel proud of, so I feel very proud for you. When you have found the purpose for which they are here, with anything small or bigger and if you get involved, all have meaning, feeling full and happy. People come into our lives, whether for experience, either for some reason, either for a certain time, or forever. Thank you I am part of this experience of yours. Thank you I am part of your life!To express a complaint to me, I don't want to win the Tuscany, the choices are yours. I think I can ask something, after so long, you are not yet retired;Today starts a very long week, this morning I went with Anna for venepuncture, the evening will go to the doctor and then have to go into any opening. On Tuesday, we have the last rehearsal of the wedding and after I have an appointment for laser. On Wednesday, two visits to the doctor. On Thursday we have an appointment at the hospital, got tired, but so am I, constantly moving.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Me, I had a reason to be with Fernando Santos and his team. In 2001 and 2002 was coach in two large groups of Athens, AEK and Panathinaikos. In 2004 for the second time he took over AEK and 2006 AEK finally managed to get the coveted ticket for the qualifiers Champions League. The strong Portuguese paper was very good psychology from the beginning of the event until he left Ronaldo in the race, however, I was in France. But this is the charm of the game, you do not ever know what holds you. Ralph, with the crazy idea that can return some time in Greece. I feel value, emotion, pride and admiration for my country. As my children by surprise and I feel proud, so I feel very proud for you. When you have found the purpose for which you are here, anything short or longer if you get involved, all make sense, you feel full and happy. People come into our lives, or experience, or for some reason, or for a certain time or forever. Thank you that I am part of your experience. Thank you that I am part of your life!
To express my one complaint, I do not want to win in Tuscany, the choices are yours. I think I can ask, after so long, you are not yet retired;
Today starts a very busy week, in the morning I went to Anna for blood collection, the afternoon will go to the doctor and then have to go to some inauguration. On Tuesday, we have the last rehearsal of the wedding and after I have an appointment for laser. On Wednesday, we have two visits to the doctor. On Thursday we have an appointment at the hospital, we're tired, but so am I, we move constantly.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
I have a reason, I and the Fernando Santos team. In 2001 and 2002 two large group of Athens coach is AEK and PI alpha alpha theta alpha iota ETA v v K. 2004 carried out second times and AEK Athens AEK, in 2006, finally got the coveted Champions League qualifying tickets. Portugal could be a good organizational psychology from the start, until he left Ronaldo"s game, but I was in France. This is a game of charm, you never know what it will bring to you. Ralph, I know you might be back in greece. I am honored and excited, proud and admired, for my country. My children also make me feel proud and proud, so I and you. When you find your purpose, you are here, any small or big if you, everything is meaningful, complete and joyful feeling. People come to our lives, whether it is experience, whether there is a reason, whether it is at a certain time, whether it is forever. Thank you for the part of my experience. Thank you. I"m a part of your life!Expressing my grievances, I don"t want to win in Tuscany, is your own choice. I think I can ask you one thing, after so long, you haven"t retired yet?Today began a long week, this morning, Anna and I blood, this afternoon I went to see the doctor, and then I"m going to go to some epsilon gamma kappa alpha Nu epsilon iota alpha. Third, we used to have an appointment with the wedding accessories and laser after I had a date. On Wednesday, we had a visit from two doctors. On Thursday at the hospital there is a date, you are tired, but I am me, I continue to.
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