μια μελέτη πάνω στην επίδραση του χορού και των κινήσεων στην εξάσκηση της μνήμης και της μάθησης. Θα πραγματοποιηθεί έρευνα σε δυο ομάδες. Η μια ομάδα θα αποτελείται από παιδιά που χορεύουν και η άλλη από παιδιά που δεν χορεύουν.
a study on the influence of dance and movement training of memory and learning. Research will be carried out in two groups. The a team will consist of children dancing and the other from guys who don't dance.
a study on the influence of dance and movements in the practice of memory and learning. Research in both groups will be held. The group will consist of children dancing and the other children who do not dance.
In research on the effects of practicing dance action on memory and learning. The two groups were studied. One group was danced by the children, while the other did not dance.