Πόσο θα ήθελα να ήσουν κοντά μου. Ακούω μουσική(cool jazz),η ατμόσφαιρα είναι μεθυστική, με δυνατή επιρροή στον ψυχή μου,θέλω εσένα και ένα ποτό. Ποτό μπορώ να έχω . Εσένα όμως, όχι.
How I wish you were near me.I listen to music (cool jazz), the atmosphere is heady, with possible influence in my soul, I want you and a drink. I can drink. You, however, are not.
How would like to have you near me. I hear music (cool jazz), the atmosphere is intoxicating, with a strong influence on my soul, I want you and a drink. Drinking can have. But you, no.
How I want you to come near me.Listen to music (SIR Cool), the atmosphere is charming, it is possible to affect you and my soul, I would like to have a drink. My drink. But you are not.