Όσο δεν ασχολείσαι με τα κοινά, νιώθεις περήφανος ως Έλληνας. Όταν αρχίσεις να ψάχνεις και να βλέπεις τι πραγματικά συμβαίνει γύρω σου...ντρέπεσαι...ντρέπεσαι που είσαι ανάξιος συνεχιστής των προγόνων σου.
As not dealing with common, feel proud as a Greek. When you start to look and see what is really going on around you ... ashamed ... ashamed that you're unworthy holdover of your ancestors.
Until you deal with common, you feel proud as a Greek. When you start looking and see what is really happening around you ... ashamed ... ashamed that you are unworthy successor of your ancestors.