Πως αισθάνομαι? Προσπαθώ συνεχώς να καταλάβω τι σκέπτεσαι και τι αισθάνεσαι εσύ? Θέλω να είσαι απόλυτα ειλικρινής μαζί μου. Με πληγώνει το γεγονός,όταν σκέφτομαι τη ζωή μου χωρίς εσένα, έχω την εντύπωση ότι έχει χαθεί η μαγεία .
How do I feel?I try constantly to figure out what they think and what you feel?I want you to be completely honest with me.By hurting the fact, when I think about my life without you, I have the impression that it has lost the magic.
How I feel; I try constantly to figure out what you are thinking and what you feel; I want to be completely honest with me. By hurting the fact, when I think of my life without you, I have the impression that the magic is lost.
How do I feel?I have been trying to understand what you are thinking, what is your feeling?I want you to be honest with me.I am, when I think of my life without you, in my mind, lost the magic.