Όχι, αυτό δεν είναι εντάξει για πολλούς λόγους. Δεν το ήξερα και είμαι έξαλλη. Ο μισθός μου μειώθηκε 40%, πληρώνω τόσους πολλούς φόρους και τώρα τι; αυτοί θα μου πουν με ποιο τρόπο θα διαχειρίζομαι τα λεφτά μου;
No, it's not OK for many reasons. I don't know and I'm furious.My salary dropped 40%, pay so many taxes and now what? they'll tell me how will I manage my money?
No, this is not okay for many reasons. I did not know and I'm furious. My salary decreased 40% pay so many taxes, and now what? they'll tell me how to manage my money?
No, it's not good for many reasons. I don't know that I was crazy. (my salary was down 40%, so many taxes, what is it now? Will they tell me how to get my money?