σου το ξαναειπα όποιος δεν ζηλεύει έστω για λίγο για μένα σημαίνει πως δεν αγαπάει . Φυσικά δεν μιλάμε για την παθολογική ζήλεια που είναι αρρώστια ( και δεν γιατρευεται με χάπια )
get it I said, anyone who is not jealous, just for a little for me means that he loves. Of course not talking about pathological jealousy who is ill (and it heals with pills)
SOU xanaeipa anyone not even for a little jealous to me means that he loves you. of course not talking about pathological jealousy that is sick (and not giatreyetai with pills)
Your ξαναειπα anyone she envy him even for a short time for me means that she loves ... of course not talking about the pathological jealousy which is disease (and not γιατρευεται with pills.