What is this place?The principle of sustainability, community.Rick and his teamis dangerous.The Noah died because of you.You have tried to kill me.I know it sounds crazy ...but it's a crazy world.You must go to thembefore they come for us.It's so simple.Here is starting all, tomorrow.The Tobin will get into the truck,th'anoixei exit and left.You jump out, would forestallthe team in red,staying on the West sideof the road,Darryl th'anebei in the engine ...To'des this?Is open!We need to start now!I do now!Tobin, you and your team,you left!We are not ready, Rick.Sasha! Eimpracham.Starting out.Meet Darryl on red.He passes them.I hit the part with the tugs.Okay, who else.Will attract the Horde.Will help.No.I'm here!You do what I tell you.Darryl, brace yourself.Come.Rick, don't we look at the whole plan.If you want to go back.I'll finish it.Tobin, you start with the signal I.Go home.We have no choice.Get ready for the flares.Tobin, start the truck!You did wrong.Glenn, what happened? Are you well?OK I am.You look crap.Is okay. It is a joy.Them cared.We were out there.The zompia and ...We are okay.I was struck by epostrakismo.The Eugene to freak out.One wants to send Noahhere to protect me?You were right.Did not finish.We'll talk more tomorrow.Listen ...Don't jeopardize anymore.And should not do.Have everyone sending.You know that we will meet.Darryl leads them out.The Sasa and the eimpracham will meetwith him at the foot of the Hill.Glenn, you will find usWhen the zombie peripoiitheisin part with the tugs.This is the firstthat should take care of.To stay all calm.Just keep up.Well, agree?Basically it was his own idea.There is bed and bathroom, butdoes not cease make cage, you understand?He told me what happenedthere with trucks.Told you about thetypes encountered?We need morepoints for monitoring.And I say to Diana that shouldn'tlooking, anymore, gi'alloys people.You feel different about it?Yes, I feel.People out there,you have to fend for themselves,as we.Will the take out.You don't have to leave it therein earlier than they should.Here it is.We are on red,at the foot of the Hill.The parade begins.Πού το έμαθες αυτό;Πριν ή μετά;Εγώ ρωτάω, εσύ απαντάς.Κοινή ευγένεια, σωστά;Ήταν μετά.Μετά απ'όλα.Συγγνώμη που πρέπει να το κάνω αυτό.Είναι εντάξει.Έτσι πως το βλέπω, μερικές φορές είσαιπιο ασφαλής όταν δεν υπάρχει διέξοδος.Πρέπει να γνωριστούμε ξανά όλοι.Εμείς είμαστε.Επιστρέψαμε. Θα μαςαφήσεις να μπούμε ή όχι;Τεχνικά δεν είμαι εξουσιοδοτημένος,οπότε δεν θα το κάνω.Ζω εδώ. Η ομάδα μου είναι σε αποστολήτις τελευταίες δυο εβδομάδες.Είμαι ο Γιουτζίν. Ο Άαρον με έφερε μετην ομάδα μου μέσα σε αυτό το διάστημα,Αλλά όσο περισσότερομε κάνεις να περιμένω,τόσο περισσότερο με παρακινείςνα σε κάνω τόπι στο ξύλο, άρα...Ώστε η Ντιάνα σε έβαλεσκοπιά στη πύλη;Δεν έχω κανονική υπηρεσία.Της Χόλι είναι η βάρδια.Ήμουν απλά περαστικός. Με ρώτησε αν θαμπορούσα να την αλλάξω για λίγα λεπτά.Είπα, "Όχι, ευχαριστώ", αυτή με αγνόησε,κάτι που θα έπρεπε να έχω κάνει κι εγώπεράσει τουλάχιστον πέντε λεπτάκαι ακόμη δεν βλέπω την Χόλι.Θα κλείσω.
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