Κι ότι ένα από αυτά τα "κάτι" είσαι κι εσύ Κι είσαι πάντα έτοιμος να μου δώσεις λίγο από το σπέρμα σου, επειδή αυτό ακριβώς θέλω από σένα, όπως εσύ πιστεύεις.
And that one of these "something" are youAnd you're always ready to give me a little of your semen, because that is exactly what I want from you, as you believe.
And that one of these "something" you and you And you are always ready to give me some of thy seed, because that is exactly what I want from you as you believe.
And that one of these "something" you are too (and you are always ready to give me a bit of your semen, because that is exactly what i want from you, as you think.