Ξέρεις,η μοναξιά, πονάει. Πονάει κάποιες μέρες, όπως πονάνε τα μέλη του σώματος μου, όταν αλλάζει ο καιρός. Μα έμαθα τόσο καλά να την κρύβω, μέχρι που συνηθίσα και τον πόνο της. Έμαθα να μην την αναφέρω καν. Ούτε καν να την παραδέχομαι.Σήμερα όμως με πνίγει.
Η γιαγιά μου, έλεγε,η μοναξιά είναι ένα καλό μέρος για να το επισκεφτείς, αλλά ένα άσχημο μέρος για να μείνεις. Έτσι είναι. Όσο είσαι τουρίστας σε αυτήν, αναθεωρείς, αμφιβάλεις, επαναπροσδιορίζεις, επαναπροσδιορίζεσαι, δημιουργείς, προχωράς. Όταν η μοναξιά γίνεται μετανάστευση, όταν από απλό τοπίο γίνεται νέα πατρίδα, τα πράγματα αλλάζουν. Πονάς. Από ένα σημείο και μετά, ενίοτε πονάς. Ralph, ξέρεις πόσο πολύ μου λείπεις? Ξέρεις, πόσα σενάρια πλάθω στο μυαλό μου καθημερινά? Ήθελα να στο πω σήμερα. Να σου πω την αλήθεια. Ήθελα να είσαι εδώ, ήθελα να με κρατάς στην απέραντη αγκαλιά σου,να κλάψω στην αγκαλιά σου,να ακούμε μαζί μουσική,να ενώσουμε τις ψυχές μας.
Οπότε, ήθελα να ξέρεις. Δεν είμαι πάντα καλά. Νιώθω μοναξιά,δεν θέλω να είμαι άλλο μόνη μου,καταλαβαίνεις τι εννοώ.
You know, loneliness, it hurts. It hurts some days, like body parts hurt me when weather changes. But I learned so well to hide until I synithisa and pain. I learned not to even mention. Not even to admit. But today with smothering.My grandmother used to say, solitude is a good place to visit, but a bad place to stay. So is. As long as you are a tourist in this, anathewreis, doubt, epanaprosdiorizeis, epanaprosdiorizesai, create, move on. When the loneliness becomes immigration, where simple landscape becomes new home, things change. Hurting. After a point, sometimes hurting. Ralph, you know how much I miss you? You know, how many scenarios conjure in my mind every day? I wanted to say today. To tell you the truth. I wanted to be here, wanted to keep the vast cuddled, cry in your arms, to listen to music together, to unite our souls.So, I wanted to know. I'm not always well. I feel lonely, I do not want to be another of my own, you understand what I mean.
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You know, loneliness, hurt. It hurts some days, like I hurt my limbs, when the weather changes. But I learned so well to hide until I get used to the pain. I learned not to even mention it. Do not even but paradechomai.Simera chokes me.
My grandmother said, loneliness is a good place to visit, but a bad place to stay. So is. As you are a tourist in this, revised in doubt, you redefine, redefines, create, move on. When loneliness is migration when a simple landscape becomes new home, things change. Are you in pain. From a point on, sometimes you hurt. Ralph, you know how much I miss you; You know, how many scenarios conjure up in my mind every day; I wanted to tell you today. To tell you the truth. I wanted to be here, I wanted to keep me in your great hug, cry in your arms, listening to music together, to unite our souls.
So, I wanted to know. I'm not always good. I feel lonely, do not want to be another myself, I know what I mean.
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You know my loneliness, my pain. A few days of pain, because of the members of my body when the weather changes. But I learned very well, until the ETA Sigma Theta sigma upsilon V alpha and pain. I learned not to mention. But PI alpha alpha delta Chi Rho as a sigma epsilon Rho iota. Mu alpha and even suffocation.My grandmother said that loneliness is a good place to visit, but a bad place. That's true。 As long as you are a tourist in this, you re thinking, suspicion, remodeling, alpha epsilon Pi Pi Rho Omicron delta sigma Nu alpha iota Omicron Rho zeta epsilon sigma alpha iota, create, move on. When loneliness becomes a migration, from simple landscape to become a new home, things change. You hurt me. After a period of time, sometimes it will be very painful. Ralph, do you know how much I miss you? You know, in my mind, how many scenes do you take every day? I want to tell you today. Tell you the truth. I think you are here, I want you to hold me in your arms, crying, in your arms, listening to the music together, join our soul.So, I want you to know. I'm always bad. I feel lonely, I don't want to be another myself, you know what I mean.
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