Κανένας δεν ξεχνά, τίποτα δεν ξεχνιέται !!! Ο γιος μου με ρώτησε : - Δηλαδή μαμά, κάποιοι πέθαναν,ε; - Ναι - Όσοι έζησαν; Τι έκαναν μετά; Ντράπηκα να του πω ότι κάποιοι από αυτούς μας κυβερνούν... Ντράπηκα
Nobody forgets, nothing forgotten!!!My son asked me:-Ie mom, some died, huh? -Yes-Who lived? What they did next? I was ashamed to say that some of them govern us ... I was ashamed
Nobody forgets nothing forgotten !!! My son asked me: - That mom, some died, huh? - Yes - Those who lived? What did they do next? I was ashamed to say that some of them govern us ... I was ashamed