Με λίγα λόγια εσύ ξεκίνησες κάτι που χρειάζεται χρήματα, χωρίς να έχεις χρήματα Τι περίμενες; Την λοταρία ή βροχή από χρήματα; Δεν βγάζω νόημα, υποθέτω εγώ είμαι ηλίθια
In a nutshell you did something that needs money, without having moneyWhat do you expect?The lottery or rain of money?It doesn't make sense, I guess I am stupid
In short you started something that takes money without having money What did you expect? The raffle or rain of money? I do not make sense, I guess I'm stupid
With a few words you ξεκίνησες that needs money, without getting money (what one would expect? 'the lottery or rain of money? 'not tall makes sense, i guess i am daft