αυτό νομίζω ισχυει και για τούς δυό μας . Αλλωστε τι θα μπορούσε κάποιος να γράψει . Οτι ξέρεις εμένα μου αρέσει να πίνω και μετά να σε δέρνω η εσύ οτι σου αρέσει να μην είσαι πιστη ? αδύνατον . ¨ολοι παρουσιάζουμε τον εαυτό μας σαν τον καλύτερο άνθρωπο
I think this applies to both of us. Besides, what could someone write. You know I like to drink and then to flog the you that you love you not faith; impossible.¨ All present ourselves as the best man
I think apply to our two them. After all what could someone write. That know me I love to drink and then to spank the you that you like not being faith; impossible. "all we present ourselves as the best man
I think this applies to the two us. Furthermore what one could write . that you know me i like to have and then in δέρνω the you that you're not being faith ? Impossible .¨All introducing ourselves as the best man