μολις εφτασα σπιτι απο την δουλεια και παω στους γονεισ μου για 2 ςρες περιπου δεν θα μπορω να σου στειλω μηνυμα γιατι θα οδηγαω..μολις φτασω θα σου στείλω...πολλά φιλακια
Just arrived home from work and go to my parents for 2 sres around will not be able to send you this message because we drive .. just arrived will send you ... many FILAKIA
mere eftasa House from the job and Pao to my parents for 2 sres CA won't BORO na Sou steilw message why would odigaw.just get there I'll send ...many filakia
Convenient εφτασα home from the airport and παω γονεισ to me for 2 ςρες about will not do to your στειλω message why would οδηγαω..convenient φτασω will send you ... many φιλακια