Κατά συνέπεια θεωρούμε ότι οι εν λόγω αστοχίες ούτε προκλήθηκαν, ούτε επιβαρύνθηκαν από τις εργασίες του Μετρό, και η ενδεχόμενη επισκευή αυτών από την Κοινοπραξία, υπερβαίνει τις συμβατικές της υποχρεώσεις.
Therefore we believe that the failures neither caused nor burdened by Metro operations and possible repair of the Consortium beyond its contractual obligations.
We therefore consider that the failures in question were neither caused nor aggravated by the work of the Metro, and the possible repair of them by the consortium exceeds its contractual obligations.
We therefore consider that these failures were neither caused nor burdened by the works of the Metro, and the possible repair of these by the Consortium, exceeds its contractual obligations.<br>