Hey Anna. 'You /Sept a γραμμα for you to say what i did the week περασμενη.Therefore,it was Saturday morning. buggged me,the day train staion συνενοηθει with a φιλους me to go to village to carry out παγοδρομειο.With πηρε telephone the Sofia and she stated she would honor my: hey Irini,ελπιζω to θυμασε that today will go the παγοδρομειο The ειπα: Yes and ανυπομωνω to go,but what about us? 'she stated she would honor me: I was gone,ESY,the ΕLΕNI,the Πωλινα,the Αγγελος,The Νικος and the Γιωργος.The ειπα: Great, when is and ξεκινισετε to get on board with clamp from my home to φυγουμε there.) she stated she would honor my: OK.it was gone after i to ετοιμαστω other sales καταλαβα indeed.What καταλαβα is not the train staion πατινια for παγοδρομειο why did drive fails and the πεταξα.
that would rather now παγοδρομειο? Στεναχωριθηκα too much.The Sales besiege Ira, despite the children to παρουνε.
After 20 minutes in φτασαμε village. and children αμεσως convenient μπηκαν inside ετρεξαν to βαλουν the πατινια and to enter the παγοδρομειο. (I purposely did not rear to get παγοδρομειο why not train staion the πατινια.
Sales but not kitchinette imaing what done. The Sofia had delivered above couples with πατινια why ηξερε that I purposely do not train staion. What good φιλη. Περασαμε optima,But it was more great Ama will εισουν and ESY us other εισουν αρρωστη.it will go and the next Saturday and ελπιζω to are better to kitchinette and ESY to ερθεις.A Good αναρωση.c) The φιλη your Irini.
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