Χαίρομαι, για δύο πράγματα. Πρώτον που είσαι καλά και δεύτερον που έλα μετάφραση - Χαίρομαι, για δύο πράγματα. Πρώτον που είσαι καλά και δεύτερον που έλα Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Χαίρομαι, για δύο πράγματα. Πρώτον

Χαίρομαι, για δύο πράγματα. Πρώτον που είσαι καλά και δεύτερον που έλαβα απάντηση σου,ύστερα από τρείς ημέρες. Ralph, δεν θέλω να γίνω ένας φοβισμένος ενήλικας ,που να αφήνω τις πράξεις μου, τις επιλογές μου να επηρεάζονται και να ορίζονται από τους φόβους. Φόβος ,πως αν δε συμβιβαστώ με αυτά τα ψίχουλα, δε θα βρεθεί κάτι καλύτερο στο δρόμο μου. Φόβος, πως δεν έχω πια δύναμη, δεν έχω πια τα προσόντα να κάνω την διαφορά.
Για μένα, η τραγωδία της ζωής δεν είναι να μην πετυχαίνεις τους στόχους σου, να μη πραγματοποιείς τα όνειρα σου. Η πραγματική τραγωδία, είναι να μη έχεις στόχους να μην έχεις όνειρα να πραγματοποιήσεις, γιατί τα όνειρα είναι, η τροφή της ψυχής.
Εγώ,Ralph,αποδέχομαι την αλλαγή σαν φυσιολογικό κομμάτι της ζωής μου,προσπαθώ να τολμώ καινούργιους στόχους που δεν γνωρίζω,προσπαθώ να διατηρώ υπομονή,επιμονή και χαρά, προσπαθώ να υπάρχει ισορροπία, ικανοποίηση και δημιουργία στην ζωή μου, διαθέτω θέληση,τόλμη,ενθουσιασμό, μα πάνω από όλα πίστη και τέλος βάζω πλάνα στην ζωή μου, και σε αυτά τα πλάνα, θέλω και πιστεύω, ότι θα υπάρχεις και εσύ.
Χαίρομαι που παρακολούθησες ένα ενδιαφέρον πρόγραμμα,ίσως κάποτε να μπορείς να μου εξηγήσεις πολλά πράγματα, για τα οποία η δική μου κουλτούρα,η δική μου ζωή,η δική μου διαφορετικότητα, δεν είχαν την δυνατότητα, να γνωρίζουν τον δρόμο της ζωής.
Προσπαθώ να είμαι καλύτερα,συνεχίζω την αντιβίωση για 5 ημέρες ακόμη,και θα χρειαστεί να κάνω άλλη μία παρακέντηση. Μιλάμε αργότερα,σε αγαπώ.
τον δρόμο της ζωής
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I am glad, for two things. Firstly they're okay and secondly that I received your answer, after three days. Ralph, I don't want to become a fearful adult, that I leave my actions, my choices be influenced and defined by fears. Fear, that if we do not agree with these crumbs, you won't find anything better in my way. Fear, that I no longer have power, I no longer have the skills to make a difference.To me, the tragedy of life is not to achieve your goals, not to make your dreams come true. The real tragedy is not got goals don't have dreams to fulfill, because dreams are, the food of the soul.I, Ralph, I accept the change as a normal part of my life, I try to dare new goals that I don't know, I try to keep my patience, perseverance and pleasure, trying to strike a balance, satisfaction and create in my life, I have a will, courage, enthusiasm, but above all faith and finally put shots in my life, and in these shots, I think, that you exist and you.I am pleased that who watched an interesting program, maybe once my explanations to many things for which my culture, my own life, my own diversity, have not had the opportunity to know the way of life.I try to be better, continue the antibiotic for 5 days, and you'll need to make another puncture. Talk later, I love you.the road of life
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Glad for two things. First you are well and secondly I received your answer, three days later. Ralph, I do not want to become an adult is afraid, to let my actions, my choices be influenced and defined by their fears. Fear that if no compromise with these crumbs, something better will not be found on my way. Fear, that I do not have any more strength, I do not have any more qualified to make a difference.
For me, the tragedy of life is not you achieve your goals, not to realize all your dreams. The real tragedy is not got goals have not got dreams to the embodiments, because dreams are the food of the soul.
I, Ralph, accept change as a normal part of my life, I try to dare new goals do not know, I try to maintain patience, perseverance and joy, trying to balance, satisfaction and creativity in my life, I have the will, courage, enthusiasm, but above all faith and finally put shots in my life, and in these shots, I think, that will exist and you.
Glad you watched an interesting program, maybe sometime can you explain many things, for which my own culture, my own life, my own diversity, not had the opportunity to know the way life.
I try to be better, continue the antibiotics for five days yet, and will need to make another puncture. We talk later, I love you.
The way of life
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
I"m very happy, two things. First of all, you are good, then you receive the response, after three days. Ralph, I don"t want to be a fear of growing up, let my actions, my choices, and by their fears. Fear, if you don"t take these crumbs, you won"t find a better thing on my way. I"m no longer afraid, my strength, I"m no longer qualified to make a difference.For me, the tragedy of life is not going to be your goal, don"t let your dreams. The real tragedy is not a goal, don"t let your dreams, because the dream is the food of the soul.I change, I like Ralph, a part of my normal life, I think my new goal, I don"t know, I think I have the patience, perseverance and happy, I want to have a balance, to meet and create my life, I will, courage, enthusiasm, but first of all my faith and the last scene, in my life in these pictures, I believe you will be with you.I"m so glad you saw an interesting show, maybe one day I can explain a lot of things, my own culture, my life, my diversity, they don"t have the ability to understand the way of life.I think my best antibiotic for 5 days, and even, you need to make a puncture. We later, I love you.The road of life
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