The zeta iota epsilon, loneliness, pain. A few days of pain, because of the members of my body when the weather changes. But I learned very well, until the ETA Sigma Theta sigma upsilon V alpha and pain. I learned not to mention. But PI alpha alpha delta Chi Rho as a sigma epsilon Rho iota. Mu alpha and even suffocation.My grandmother said that loneliness is a good place to visit, but a bad place. That's true。 As long as you are a tourist in this, you re thinking, suspicion, remodeling, alpha epsilon Pi Pi Rho Omicron delta sigma Nu alpha iota Omicron Rho zeta epsilon sigma alpha iota, create, move on. When loneliness becomes a migration, from simple landscape to become a new home, things change. You hurt me. After a period of time, sometimes it will be very painful. Ralph, do you know how much I miss you? You know, in my mind, how many scenes do you take every day? I want to tell you today. Tell you the truth. I think you are here, I want you to hold me in your arms, crying, in your arms, listening to the music together, join our soul.So, I want you to know. I'm always bad. I feel lonely, I don't want to be another myself, you know what I mean.
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