Δεν εγκρίνεται δαπάνη για νοσηλεία σε νοσοκομείο ή κλινική αν δεν εκδοθεί εισιτήριο νοσηλείας από τον Ο.Α.Ε.Ε. εντός (15) δεκαπέντε εργασίμων ημερών από την ημερομηνία εξόδου
No approved expense for inpatient in hospital or clinic if no ticket is issued from the Oaee hospitalization within (15) fifteen working days from the date of leaving
Not approved expenditure for hospitalization or clinic unless hospitalization ticket issued by OAEE within (15) fifteen working days from the date of exit
Not approved expenditure for medical treatment at a hospital or clinic if not issued ticket nursing from the O. A. E. E. within (15) fifteen days from the date of exit