Προσπαθώ να είμαι καλά. Μεγαλώνω,tall και ομορφαίνω.
Εγώ δεν επιτρέπω στον εαυτό μου, να είναι τεμπέλης. Ως παραγωγικός άνθρωπος δεν αφήνω τίποτα σε κατάσταση αναμονής, αφού γνωρίζω πως υπάρχουν πιθανότητες, όπως θα εξελιχθεί η κατάσταση, να αναγκαστώ στο τέλος να διαθέσω ακόμη περισσότερο χρόνο.
Τελευταία έχω μάθει να λέω, όχι. Το όχι, ευεργετεί τον εαυτό μου, τη διάθεση μου και τη δημιουργικότητα μου. Γιατί, το όχι είναι μια πολύ ισχυρή λέξη, που όμως δεν πρέπει να φοβούμαστε ή να διστάζουμε να πούμε σε κάποιον, κάτι που έκανα συνεχώς στη ζωή μου. Σε εσένα όμως, δεν μπορώ να πω όχι, ότι και αν μου ζητήσεις, βλέπεις οι μεγάλες αγάπες....
Εύχομαι να χαλαρώσεις, να ξεκουραστείς, μα ξυπνήσεις με ωραία διάθεση και να δεις τα πράγματα με άλλη διάθεση.
I try to be good. Growing, tall and omorfainw.I don't allow myself to be lazy. As a prolific man doesn't leave anything to sleep, since I know that there are chances, as the situation unfolds, to have in the end to devote even more time. Last I have learned to say no. No, healthy for myself, my mood and my creativity. Why, no is a very strong word, but you don't need to fear or hesitate to say to someone, something I did constantly in my life. But you can't say no, that and if you ask me, you see the big passions. ...I wish to relax, get some rest, but wake up with nice mood and see things with a different mood.
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I'm trying to be ok. Growing, tall and beautify.
I do not allow myself to be lazy. As a prolific man does not leave anything on standby, since I know that there are chances, as will the situation develops, to be forced in the end to even more time.
Lately I have learned to say, no. The not, beneficial myself, my mood and my creativity. Why, it is not a very strong word, but should not be afraid or shy to tell someone something that is constantly doing in my life. But in you, I can not say no, whatever you ask me, the great loves you see ....
I wish to relax, to rest, but wake up with good mood and see things in a different mood.
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I think I"m fine. I am old, Gao Yan and I do right.I don"t allow myself to be lazy. As a productive person nothing left to enter the standby state, because I know that there is an opportunity for its development, and finally forced to make more time.Recently I learn to say no. No, epsilon epsilon Rho gamma epsilon tau epsilon V myself, my feelings and my creativity. Because, this is a very strong word, but we should not be afraid or unwilling to tell others, I continue my life. You can"t say no, but if you ask me, do you see the big love.....................I hope to relax and feel happy, but wake up and see the other mood.
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