Δεν μπορώ να σου απαντήσω απόψε, έχω κόσμο στο σπίτι. Να ξέρεις ότι με τον τρόπο αυτό δεν με βοηθάς. Δεν μπορώ να σου στείλω τίποτα γιατί νιώθω ότι είμαι χωρίς αισθήματα, μόνο πόνο και θλίψη.
I cannot answer them tonight, I have the world at home. To know that it doesn't help.I cannot send anything because I feel that I'm cold-hearted, only pain and sorrow.
I can not answer you tonight, I have the world at home. Know that in this way not help me. I can not send you anything because I feel that I am no feelings, only pain and sadness.
Tonight I can"t answer your question, I am in a person. You know it doesn"t help.I can"t give you anything, because I feel that I have no feeling, only pain and sorrow.