Ελάχιστοι από εσάς γνωρίζετε ότι ο σύζυγός μου έχει Αμερικανική υπηκοότητα. Από τώρα όμως όλοι καταλάβατε τι θα τρώει αυτός τις επόμενες μέρες !!! Εσύ θα τα πληρώσεις τις Αμερικανικές εκλογές Γιωργάκη
Few of you know that my husband has American citizenship.By now we all understand what you eat that in the next few days!!! You will pay the American elections Events
Few of you know that my husband has American citizenship. But from now all understand what he would eat the next day !!! You will pay the US elections Giorgakis
Very few people know that my husband has the United States.But now everyone knows that he will be in the next few days! !!You will pay for the American electoral gamma iota Omega gamma ETA kappa Rho