ελπίζω να είσαι καλα. εγώ δεν είμαι. νιώθω ότι πονάω στη καρδιά, να ξέρεις δεν είμαι κακιά. με έχουν πονέσει πολύ και πάντα ήλπιζα πως θα αλλάξει. Αυτό είναι η αρχή που πρέπει να ξέρεις για μένα
I hope you're well. I'm not. I feel that it hurts the heart, you know I'm not bad. I have been hurt a lot and always hoping that will change. This is the principle that you should know about me
I hope you're well. I'm not. I feel that pain in the heart, to know I'm not wicked. I have been hurt a lot and always hoping that will change. This is the principle that you should know about me
I hope you are well. I am not. i feel that I have pain in the heart, to know I am not bad. i have back pain too and always hoped that would change. This is the principle that you have to know for me