Someday they’ll come to tell you,that they believe you, they love youa μετάφραση - Someday they’ll come to tell you,that they believe you, they love youa Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Someday they’ll come to tell you,th

Someday they’ll come to tell you,that they believe you, they love you
and they want you, λέει ένας στίχος ενός μεγάλου Έλληνα στιχουργού.
Ralph,με την αγάπη μου για σένα, νιώθω ότι είμαστε ενωμένοι,δεμένοι, σε αντιμετωπίζω, όπως ακριβώς όπως θα αντιμετώπιζα τον εαυτό μου και ενδιαφέρομαι για την ευτυχία σου, την επιτυχία σου και την υγεία σου όπως ακριβώς θα ενδιαφερόμουν για τον ίδιο μου τον εαυτό.Όταν αγαπάμε επιθυμούμε το αντικείμενο της αγάπης μας να είναι ευτυχισμένο σε κάθε περίπτωση, έστω και αν βρίσκεται μακριά μας, αυτό για μένα είναι κανόνας,γιατί η Αγάπη δεν περιέχει πόνο,περιέχει αμοιβαία εκτίμηση.
Είναι πρωί,δεν ξέρω ακόμη εάν θα πάω στην δουλειά,έχω πολλά πράγματα να processing, ίσως πάω και από το καφέ, να δω τα κορίτσια μου, που θα είναι μόνα τους( σπάνια πηγαίνω,στα 12 χρόνια λειτουργίας του, είναι ζήτημα να έχω πάει δέκα φορές).
Το γυμναστήριο το δικό μου είναι κλειστό,λόγω διακοπών, θα λειτουργήσει στις 16th,έτσι δεν έχω κάτι να εκτονωθώ, πηδάω σχοινάκι στην αυλή, αλλά θα ήθελα να έχω έναν σάκο του μποξ και να εκτονώνομαι εκεί. Θα σε ενημερώσω στην πορεία της ημέρας τις εξελίξεις.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Someday they'll come to tell you,that they believe you, they love youand they want you, says a verse of a large Greek lyricist.Ralph, with my love for you, I feel that we are United, tethered, in encounter, like just as I ran into myself and I am interested in your happiness, your success and your health just as I would be interested for my own self. When we love we are the object of our love to be happy in any case, even if it is far away , this for me is the norm, because love does not contain pain, contains mutual appreciation.It's morning, I don't even know if I will go to work, I have many things to processing, maybe go and from Brown, to see my girls, who will be themselves (rarely go, in 12 years of operation, is a question I have go ten times).My own gym is closed due to the holiday, will work on the 16th, so I have something to fighting pirates, jumping rope in the yard, but I would like to have a punching bag and ektonwnomai there. I will update on the course of the day's developments.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
They'll come someday to tell you, that they believe you, they love you
and they want you, says a verse of a great Greek lyricist.
Ralph, my love for you, I feel that we are united, tied in front of such just as I would face myself and am interested in your happiness, your success and your health will be just as interested in my own love eafto.Otan want the object of our love be happy in any case, even if located away from us, that for me is the norm, because Love does not include pain, a reciprocal esteem.
it is morning, I do not know yet if I will go to work, I have many things to processing, may go from the cafe, I see the girls me, you are alone (rarely go, in 12 years of operation, is a matter to have been ten times).
the gym mine is closed due to holidays, will work on 16th, so I have nothing to let off steam, jump jumping rope in the yard, but would like to have a bag of boxing and expands there. I will inform you in the course of the day developments.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
One day, they will come and tell you, they believe you, they love you.They want you to say a word, a sigma tau gamma Rho iota X / V / greece.Ralph, I love for you, I think, we are united, intimate, in me, as I will face my own, I your happiness, your success and your health as you care about my own epsilon alpha upsilon tau. Tau alpha v love for us in any case, we are happy even if it is far away from us, this is my wife Rule, because love has no pain, it contains mutual evaluation.Morning, I don"t know if I go to work, I have a lot of things to deal with, I might go and coffee, see my girl is my own (I rarely go to the operation, in 12 years, I have been to ten times).Gym my holiday is closed, because it will be in 16, so there is no vent, in the yard to jump rope skipping, but I want to I have a bag to vent emotions, and where. In the course of the day, we will inform you of the development of the situation.
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