Well, I feel emotion, from visiting the President of America.I feel however deep emotion of human's visit Obama, without compunction, approachable, with highly developed sense of humor and no need, Barak could be President, next door. I'm also excited about his choice to visit Greece, before the end of his tenure.The children's choir of the National Opera, sang 4 pieces, all meaning. The Sound of the Silence of Simon and Garfunkel, the imagine by John Lennon, the visiting Justice Ilie Noite, elytis and the Golden Leaf, Theodorakis.Thanks for the update, for wine tastings, glad of my heart for your trips (maybe, meet), but my question was another.My question is, why is it that I get, that pass by thee, is a removal, an alienation and truth, receive, and let us divide Continents and Oceans (I confess to know, that this is not always the case).I know, the interpersonal relationships that create difficulties and problems, the inner world of two different people and everyone's fantasy of what means near or far, what does respect, comradeship, isolation, abandonment, is completely different meanings between us, if you want some time to analyze it.
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