Θα εστιάσω λοιπόν στα ευρήματα που σχετίζονται με αναπαραστάσεις των κάτω άκρων, τα οποία μπορούν να διακριθούν σε : α. ομοιώματα πλήρους κάτω άκρου, δηλαδή μηρού και πέλματος και β. ομοιώματα πελμάτων.
You focus well on the findings related to representations of the legs, which can be divided into: a. dildos full lower extremity, namely the thigh and foot and b. dummy soles.
I will therefore focus on the findings associated with representations of the legs, which can be distinguished: a. Replicas full bottom end, that leg and foot, and b. Replicas soles.
I will focus on the reconstruction of the lower limb, which can be divided into: a. Portrait of the lower limb of the lower extremity of the femur and the tread, namely A and B. Foot wax.