Ralph,νομίζω πως καταλαβαίνεις πολύ καλά, πως διανύω μία δύσκολη φάση της ζωής μου.
Δεν θέλω να σε φορτώσω με δικές μου συναισθηματικές ανασφάλειες και τον φόβο που φωλιάζει βαθιά μέσα μου και που κυριαρχεί στις πράξεις μου. Η συναισθηματική αυτή ανασφάλεια με κάνει, να μην πατάω γερά στα πόδια μου, και να βρίσκομαι συνέχεια σε κατάσταση εγρήγορσης. Είμαι βέβαια πολύ τυχερή που υπάρχεις στην ζωή μου,που μου στέλνεις μηνύματα γεμάτα νόημα και ελπίδα,που με θεωρείς χαρισματική,που μου στέλνεις την δύναμη της θετικής σου σκέψης,το κυριώτερο που με αγαπάς. Ralph, θέλω να σου πω, ότι είναι πολύ μεγάλη κουβέντα, αυτό που μου έχεις ξαναγράψει, ότι δηλαδή ,θα με αγαπάς μέχρι θανάτου. Βέβαια, εμένα με εξυψώνει αυτό, γιατί αγάπη είναι,αυτό που νιώθεις για κάποιους ιδιαίτερους ανθρώπους στη ζωή σου . Αγάπη είναι αυτό που νιώθεις για τον σύντροφο σου, δίχως εγωισμούς, δίχως προσωπικά συμφέροντα, δίχως αρνητισμούς. Αυτό είναι αγάπη, για μένα!
Θέλω να ξέρεις ότι και εγώ σε αγαπώ από τα βάθη της ψυχής μου, είναι αυτό που νιώθω αβίαστα, που με εξυψώνει, που με κάνει ευτυχισμένη. Αυτό που γεμίζει την καρδιά μου, αυτό που με καθοδηγεί σε κάθε μου σκέψη και σε κάθε μου βήμα...μείνε μαζί μου ,σε παρακαλώ.
Ralph, I think you know very well, that acupuncture a difficult phase of my life.I don't want to upload my own emotional insecurities and fear that nests deep inside me and that dominates on my actions. The emotional insecurity makes me, not I press firmly on my feet, and to be continued in a State of wakefulness. I'm very lucky to be in my life, I send messages filled with meaning and hope, that by calling charismatic, I send the power of positive thinking, you highlight that with love. Ralph, I want to tell you, that is a lot of great conversation, what got me rewrite, that is to say, will you love me to death. Of course, I love it, because it elevates it, what you feel for some special people in your life. Love is what I feel for you mate, without egotism, without personal interests without negativities. This is love for me!I want you to know that I love you from the depths of my soul, is what I feel effortlessly, which elevates, that makes me happy. What fills my heart, what guides my every thought and every my step ... stay with me, please.
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Ralph, I think you know very well, that is going through a difficult phase of my life.
I do not want to upload to my own emotional insecurities and fear nestled deep within me and dominate my actions. This emotional insecurity makes me, not I press firmly on my feet, and then I'm waking. I am of course very lucky to exist in my life, you send me messages full of meaning and hope, who think charismatic, you send me the strength of your positive thinking, the highlight that you love me. Ralph, I want to tell you, that is too big a word, what I have rewrite, that would love me to death. Of course, I do this elevates, because love is what you feel for some special people in your life. Love is what you feel for your partner, without selfishness, without personal interests, without negativity. This is love for me!
I want you to know that I love you from the depths of my soul, is what I feel effortlessly, who elevates, that makes me happy. What fills my heart, what guides me in my every thought and every step ... stay with me, please.
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Ralph, you know, I"m fine, it"s a difficult stage.I don"t want to put my feelings of insecurity and fear into the inner depths of the nesting and controlling my actions. This makes my mood uneasy, let me stand on my two feet, I always in the alert state. Of course, I am very lucky to have the meaning of being in my life, you have sent me text messages and full of hope, your charm, you give me the power of your positive thinking, the most important of your love for me. Ralph, I want to tell you that this is very big words that you wrote me, saying, you will love me to death. Of course, I will, because it is your love, for some special people in your life. Is your love for your partner, no self, no personal interests, no ETA iota sigma alpha Rho Nu tau mu omicron. To me, this is love!I want you to know that I love you from the depths of my soul, I feel more relaxed, I, make me happy. It fills my heart and I stay with me every step of my mind at every step of my guide.
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