ξέρω τον εαυτό μου και ξέρω τι θέλω . είμαι πεπεισμένος και πως εσύ είσαι αληθινή .Και νομίζω πως ναι όλα θα πάνε καλά και η σχέση μας θα προχωρήσει .και γι αυτό έχω αφήσει τον εαυτό μου να αισθανεται όμορφα αισθήματα για σένα
I know myself and I know what I want. I am also convinced that you're real. And I think yes everything will be fine and our relationship will proceed.and that is why I let myself feel good feelings for you
I know myself and I know what I want. I am convinced that you are true and I think so everything will go well and our relationship will proceed.and so I let myself be aisthanetai beautiful feelings for you
I know myself and I know what I want. I am convinced, and that you're real.And I think it will all go well and our relationship will go.And that is why I have let myself be αισθανεται beautiful feelings for you