δεν υπάρχει ιδιαίτερος λόγος για να φοβάσαι την εικόνα που βλέπεις,θα έπρεπε όμως να τρέμεις στην σκέψη πως καθημερινά σε περιβάλλουν άνθρωποι με σκοτεινές ψυχές που μόνο το καλό σου δεν ποθούν...
There is no particular reason to fear the image that you see, but we should tremeis in thinking that everyday to surround people with dark souls who not only good you crave ... more
there is little reason to fear the image you see, but it should tremble in thinking that daily surround people with dark souls that only your own good not crave ...
There is no particular reason to you have the image you see, but you should be τρέμεις in thinking that every day to surround people with dark souls that only the good you not eager ...