Τα πιο κάτω άτομα είναι εγγεγραμμένοι στο Δημοτολόγιο του Δήμου Φαιστού, στην 33333 (πρώην δημοτικής ενότητας Τυμπακίου)οικογενειακή μερίδα του Δημοτολογίου, με τα κάτωθι στοιχεία:
The following individuals are registered in the Register of the municipality of Phaistos, in 33333 (former municipal unity Timbaki) family portion of the Population, with the following elements:
The following people are registered with the Registrar's Office of the Municipality of Phaistos in 33333 (former municipal unit Timpaki) family register of the register, with the following information:
The following persons registered in population registers of the Municipality of Phaistos, 33333 (former municipal unity Tympakioy)family share Δημοτολογίου, with the following information: