Έχω διαβάσει για τον Κάστρο,εκπέμπει μια πολύ ελκυστική δημόσια εικόνα μετάφραση - Έχω διαβάσει για τον Κάστρο,εκπέμπει μια πολύ ελκυστική δημόσια εικόνα Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Έχω διαβάσει για τον Κάστρο,εκπέμπε

Έχω διαβάσει για τον Κάστρο,εκπέμπει μια πολύ ελκυστική δημόσια εικόνα,λατρεμένος αλλά και απεχθής, άσπονδος εχθρός και μεγάλος πλάνος.
Ένας απόλυτος μονάρχης που διοικεί ένα νησί,με αμύθητη προσωπική περιουσία ,ήταν γυναικάς , είχε στην κατοχή του είκοσι πολυτελή σπίτια σε όλη την Καραϊβική, ενώ ήταν ιδιοκτήτης και ενός ιδιωτικού νησιού.
Οι Κουβανοί, οι οποίοι επί δεκαετίες υπέφεραν λόγω της φτώχειας,νόμιζαν ότι η μόνη πολυτέλεια του ήταν τα πούρα, που κάπνιζε, ενώ ο ίδιος ζούσε σαν βασιλιάς.
50 χρόνια ιστορίας, αψήφησε έντεκα προέδρους των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών,άντεξε στο εμπάργκο των Η.Π.Α.,600 απόπειρες εναντίον του .Η αντίστασή του ήταν θρυλική και ενέπνευσε τους ηγέτες και τους λαούς ολόκληρου του κόσμου,αλλά σε βάρος του λαού του.
Μπορούμε να πούμε πολλά για τον κομαντάντε!
Θα παραμείνει για πάντα ο ιστορικός ηγέτης της επανάστασης και η ιστορία θα κρίνει.
Αποχαιρετούμε λοιπόν, ένα παγκόσμιο σύμβολο αγώνα και αντίστασης που με το παράδειγμα του ενέπνευσε τους αγώνες των λαών, σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Καλή ανάπαυση.
Ξέρω βοήθησε στην Αφρική.Εκπαίδευσε το λαό μας, έδωσε πόρους, βοήθησε τόσους στρατιώτες και τόσους γιατρούς είχε πει ο Νέλσον Μαντέλα.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I have read about Castro, emits a very appealing public figure, worshipped but despised, dearest enemy and big Planos.An absolute monarch who rules an island, with amythiti personal fortune, was a womanizer, he owned twenty luxury homes across the Caribbean, and was owner and a private island.The Cubans, who for decades have suffered because of poverty, they thought that the only luxury was cigars, smoking, while he lived like a King. 50 years of history, defied eleven Presidents of the United States, bore the U.S. embargo, 600 attempts against the resistance. was legendary and inspired the leaders and the peoples of the whole world, but at the expense of his people.We can say a lot about the Subcomandante!Will forever remain the historical leader of the revolution and the history will judge.So farewell, a universal symbol of struggle and resistance with his example inspired the struggles of peoples throughout the world. Good rest.I know helped Africa. Trained our people, gave resources, helped so many troops and so doctors had said Nelson Mandela.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
I read about Castro, emits a very attractive public image, worshiped and despised, a bitter enemy and a great deceiver.
An absolute monarch commanding an island, with the fabulous personal fortune, was a womanizer, he owned twenty luxury homes across Caribbean and was the owner and a private island.
the Cubans, who for decades suffered because of poverty, they thought that the only luxury was the cigars smoked while he lived like a king.
50 years history, defied eleven presidents of United States, stood at US embargo, 600 attempts against him .The resistance was legendary and inspired leaders and peoples of the whole world, but at the expense of the people.
We can say a lot about the Comandante!
will remain forever the historic leader of the revolution and history will judge.
So say goodbye, a worldwide symbol of struggle and resistance to the example of inspired the struggles of the peoples in the whole world. Good rest.
I helped Afriki.Ekpaidefse our people, gave funds helped many soldiers and so doctors had said Nelson Mandela.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
I read his castle, issued a very attractive public image, but / V / pi sigma delta believes that the great temptation and despise the enemy.An absolute monarchy, an island command, unlimited personal property, is a amorist, he owns 20 luxurious houses throughout the Caribbean, although it is a private owner and islands.The Cuban people, who have suffered for decades because of poverty, they think the only luxury is a cigar smoking, and he himself lived like a king.Taking 50 years of history, has experienced 11 U. S. presidents, the embargo in the United States, against the 600 attempts against the legendary leader and the people, inspired by the weight of the whole world, but his people.We can say a lot about the commander!Will always be the historian's revolutionary leader and history will judge.This is a universal symbol, so the game and the impedance in order to inspire the people to fight all over the world. Good rest.I know that in the alpha Rho iota Phi kappa epsilon kappa alpha. PI delta epsilon sigma epsilon V to help people gave us so many resources to help soldiers and so many doctors, he said, Mandela.
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