Σημειώνεται η μη πραγματοποίηση Σύσκεψης για το Υπόγειο Έργο αλλά και καμίας άλλης σύσκεψης που αφορά την Υγεία και την Ασφάλεια του Έργου. Καλείστε για τη διενέργεια της Σύσκεψης Υπογείου Έργου εντός του μήνα.
Note the non-holding of meetings for the Basement Project and of any other meeting on Health and Safety Project. You are invited to conduct its deliberations Basement Project within the month.
It is noted that there is no meeting for the underground project and no other meeting concerning the health and safety of the project. You are invited to perform the underground project meeting within the month.
It should be noted that there has been no Underground Project Conference and no other meeting concerning the health and safety of the project. Call for the Underground Project Conference within the month.<br>