Στο σχολείο του γιου μου γιορτάζουν μόνο το

Στο σχολείο του γιου μου γιορτάζουν

Στο σχολείο του γιου μου γιορτάζουν μόνο το "τέλος της σχολικής χρονιάς".
Στις υπόλοιπες γιορτές (εθνικές, θρησκευτικές,κτλ) τα παιδιά παραμένουν στις αίθουσες τους για 3/4 της ώρας και μετά αποχωρούν. Προσέξτε!!! Δεν λέω "γιορτάζουν εντός αίθουσας", γιατί ΔΕΝ νοείτε γιορτή κλεισμένος στο κλουβί.
Θέλοντας να μάθω τον λόγο -από την διευθύντρια του σχολείου φυσικά- είχαμε τον εξής διάλογο:
- Γιατί δεν γίνονται γιορτές στο σχολείο μας;
- Τα παιδιά είναι πολλά και το προαύλιο μικρό.
*σημείωση:το προαύλιο είναι 4 φορές μεγαλύτερο από το θρυλικό κι αλησμόνητο 44ο σχολείο Πειραιά που πήγαινα εγώ και τα παιδιά λιγότερα απ'όσα ήμασταν εμείς(!!!). Παρόλα αυτά κάναμε γιορτές στο προαύλιο.*
- Έχουμε γυμναστήριο, χωράει παιδιά ΚΑΙ γονείς.
- Το γυμναστήριο δεν έχει καλή ακουστική.
- ... άφωνη... (!!!)
(Με τάπωσε!!!Δεν είχα ιδέα ότι θα είχαμε "άνοιγμα συναυλίας" υπό τους ήχους της Φιλαρμονικής ή των Iron Maiden; Θα ήταν πράγματι απαράδεκτο να χάσουμε κανένα Λα μινόρε, λόγω κακής ακουστικής!!!)
Και συνεχίζω...
- Εσείς έχετε πάρει αυτήν την απόφαση;
- Η απόφαση πάρθηκε από τους δασκάλους του σχολείου μας.
Συγχαρητήρια κύριοι και κυρίες εκπαιδευτικοί. Είχα την ανάγκη να πιστεύω ότι ασκείτε λειτούργημα κι όχι ότι είστε στο σωρό μαζί με τους υπόλοιπους δημόσιους υπαλλήλους. emoticon frown
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
At my son's school celebrate only the "end of the school year".In other celebrations (national, religious, etc) children remain in their rooms for 3/4 of an hour and then leave. Watch out!!! I'm not saying "celebrate within the Hall", why don't you imagine celebration locked up in the cage.Wanting to know why-from the Director of the school of course-we had the following dialogue:-Why not become holidays at our school?-Children are many and small yard.* Note: the courtyard is 4 times larger than the legendary Ki alismonito 44th school Piraeus where I was going I and children less than were we (!!!). Nevertheless we had celebrations at the forecourt.-We have a fitness center, fit kids and parents.-The gym does not have good acoustics. - ... speechless ... (!!!)(With tapwse!!! I had no idea that we would have "opening concert" under the sounds of the Philharmonic or Iron Maiden? It would be indeed unacceptable to lose any La Minore, due to poor acoustics!!!)And continue ...-You take this decision?-The decision taken by the teachers of our school.Congratulations ladies and teachers. I need to believe that you pursue a vocation, not that you are in the pile along with other civil servants. emoticon frown
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
At school my son only celebrate the "end of the school year."
In other celebrations (national, religious, etc.) the children remain in their rooms for 3/4 hour and then leave. Watch out !!! I do not say "celebrate in the room" because NOT understood as meaning celebration locked in the cage.
Wanting to know why -from director of course- school we had the following dialogue:
- Why are not celebrations in our school?
- Children are many and small courtyard.
* Note: The courtyard is 4 times larger than the legendary and unforgettable 44th Piraeus school that I went and children less than would have been us (!!!). Nevertheless we did festivals in the courtyard. *
- We have a gym, fit kids AND parents.
- The gym has good acoustics.
- ... Speechless ... (!!!)
(With tapose !!! I had no idea that we would have "opening concert" under the sounds of the Philharmonic or Iron Maiden; It would be unacceptable to lose any La minor, due to poor acoustics !!!)
And keep going ...
- You've taken this decision?
- The decision taken by the Our school teachers.
Congratulations ladies and teachers. I need to believe that you practice office and not that you are in the pile with the rest of civil servants. emoticon frown
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
My son's school is only celebrating the end of the school year (in other festivals (ethnic, religious, etc.), the children are still in the classroom for 3 / 4 hours, and then leave. Look out !!I don't say "the festival in the hall", why don't you imagine you are in a cage. You want to know why you are from the headmaster of the school, of course, we have the following dialogue:Why don't we have kids at school when you're not in school?:The courtyard is legendary in 4 times and the 44 of the memorable school Belay Av J, I and the children are more than we! !! Our holiday. But in the yard. *
- we have a gym,For children and parents.
- the gym does not have good sound effects.
... To say no word. (! !!
(bad! !! I don't know if we will be in the "concert" sound or iron maiden?I really can't miss any one of the small, due to a whisper! !!

, I... - you need to make this decision by the decision to be made by

our school teacher.Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. I think you need the function, not to say that you are in a pile with other government officials. Frown emoticon
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