Σύμφωνα λοιπόν, με το εν λόγω νομοσχέδιο καταργείται η υφιστάμενη δομή των ΚΕΔΔΥ και αυτά εντάσσονται ως παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες και όχι ως αυτόνομοι φορείς στις ενιαίες διευθύνσεις εκπαίδευσης
As well, this Bill removes the existing structure of unforeseeable and KEDDY as services rather than as autonomous actors in single education addresses
According So, with this bill removes the current structure of KEDDY and are integrated as services rather than as autonomous bodies to single addresses education
In accordance, therefore, with this bill removes the existing structure of ΚΕΔΔΥ and includes them as services and not as autonomous actors in uniform addresses education