Τα ερείπιά της είναι από τα πιο καλοδιατηρημένα στον κόσμο, αλλά μετά την επανάσταση στη Λιβύη ο αρχαιολογικός χώρος έχει καταστραφεί με μπουλντόζες από εταιρείες ακινήτων που εκμεταλλεύτηκαν το χάος. Ανάμεσα στα μνημεία που καταστράφηκαν και η νεκρόπολη της Κυρήνης.
The ruins are among the best-preserved in the world, but after the revolution in Libya the archaeological site has been destroyed by bulldozers from property companies that took advantage of the chaos. Among the monuments that were destroyed and the necropolis of Cyrene.
The ruins are among the best preserved in the world, but after the revolution in Libya the archaeological site has been destroyed by bulldozers of real estate companies that took advantage of the chaos. Among the monuments that were destroyed and the Necropolis of Cyrene.
Ruins are the world's most well preserved, but the archaeological site of Libya after the revolution has been bulldozer from Real Estate Company, the use of chaos. The monuments were destroyed, Cyrene cemetery.