Η Μισθώτρια δηλώνει ότι επισκέφθηκε και εξέτασε ενδελεχώς το Μίσθιο με συμβούλους-ειδικούς της επιλογής της και το βρίσκει της απολύτου αρεσκείας και επιλογής της και κατάλληλο για τη χρήση που το προορίζει.
The Misthwtria indicates that he visited and examined in detail the Lease with consultants-experts of its choice and the finds of absolute liking and choice and suitable for the intended use.
The lessee declares that visited and thoroughly examined the leased property consultants-specialists selection and finds the absolute choice and choice and suitable for the use that earmarked.
The lessee declares that visited and closely examined the rented with consultants and experts of their choice and find the absolute choice and choice and suitable for use in the reserve.