The reason why the United States is to go to war against Saddam Hussein, unless it complies with formal obligations to international law or the leaf power,It has nothing to do with any new theory of "preventive war". However, such a war comes in the context of a traditional single doctrine of war,For this war is a legal conclusion of the only war, and quickly won the February 1991. At that time, the war with brief interrupted,In order to negotiate the terms of delivery with the unfair attacker, Saddam Hussein, at the negotiating table, the United Nations insisted that,As a precondition for the continuation of the Presidency of Iraq, Saddam Hussein must be (a) disarm and (b) provide evidence for the UN that it had disarmed,Accounting transparency for all systems known stockpiles of weapons and, in particular, Saddam Hussein was ordered to destroy stocks of mustard gas, Sarina, botulin,Carbon and other chemical and biological agents; it was also to provide proof that he had destroyed all the previous work on the development of nuclear weapons.
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