Στα κεφ. 52 και 53 του Ησαϊα βρίσκουμε μια πολύ εντυπωσιακή προφητεία  μετάφραση - Στα κεφ. 52 και 53 του Ησαϊα βρίσκουμε μια πολύ εντυπωσιακή προφητεία  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Στα κεφ. 52 και 53 του Ησαϊα βρίσκο

Στα κεφ. 52 και 53 του Ησαϊα βρίσκουμε μια πολύ εντυπωσιακή προφητεία για το Μεσσία, στην οποία οι πιστοί αναγνωρίζουν τα πάθη του Ιησού: «Δεν είχε ωραία και ελκυστική εμφάνιση. Δεν είχε λαμπρότητα προσώπου, ούτε κάλλος. Το πρόσωπό του ήταν καταφρονημένο . χωρίς τιμή και δόξα. Δέχτηκε εξευτελισμούς και ταπεινώσεις εκ μέρους των ανθρώπων. Αυτός όμως φέρει πάνω του το βαρύ φορτίο των αμαρτιών μας. Τραυματίστηκε για τις δικές μας αμαρτίες, υπέφερε για τις ανομίες μας. Χάρη δε στην πληγή εκείνου, εμείς θεραπευτήκαμε. Και αυτός παρ’ όλες τις κακώσεις που υπέστη, δεν άνοιξε το στόμα του. Σαν άφωνο πρόβατο οδηγήθηκε στη σφαγή. Σαν αμνός μπροστά σ’ αυτόν που τον κουρεύει, έτσι βαδίζει, χωρίς να ανοίγει το στόμα του. Αφαιρέθηκε βίαια και άδικα από τη γη η ζωή του. Το παιδί μου αυτό, λέγει ο Θεός, δεν έπραξε καμία παρανομία, ούτε βρέθηκε ποτέ ψεύδος στο στόμα του. Αν προσφέρετε αυτόν ως εξιλαστήριο θύμα για τις αμαρτίες σας, η ψυχή σας θα λυτρωθεί. Αυτός θα πάρει ως δική του πνευματική κληρονομιά πολλούς, γιατί με τη θέλησή του παραδόθηκε στο λυτρωτικό για μας θάνατο. Και δια της θυσίας του πήρε πάνω του τις αμαρτίες πολλών».

Από: Ελληνικά
Για: Αγγλικά
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
In chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah we find a very striking prophecy about the Messiah, in which believers recognize the passions of Jesus: "It was nice and attractive appearance. There was brilliance facial or beauty.His face was despised. without honor and glory. Humiliations and indignities suffered by the people. But he brought more of the heavy burden of our sins.Wounded for our sins, suffered for our iniquities. Thanks to the curse of that, we were treated. And this despite all the injuries suffered, he did not open his mouth.San speechless sheep is slaughtered. As a lamb before him who mows so walking, without opening his mouth. Forcibly and unjustly removed from the earth's life. My child is this, saith God,did not do any illegality nor ever found lie in his mouth. If you offer him as a scapegoat for your sins, your soul will be redeemed. He will take as his own spiritual heritage many,because they voluntarily surrendered to the redemptive death for us. And by the sacrifice took on the sins of many. "

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
In ch. 52 and 53 of the Left we find a very impressive prophecy about the Messiah, in which believers acknowledge the passions of Jesus: "he had nice and attractive appearance. Had no face, nor beauty brilliance. His face was katafronimeno. without honor and glory. Accepted humiliation and humiliation on the part of people. But he brought on the heavy burden of our sins. Wounded for our own sins, suffered for our iniquities. Thanks to the wound that, we therapeytikame. And this despite all the injuries suffered, did not open his mouth. Like sheep led to slaughter speechless. Like a lamb in front of him who the shears, so going without opening his mouth. Forcibly and unjustly removed from the Earth life. My child this, saith God, It did not do any illegality, neither ever found falsehood in his mouth. If you offer him as a scapegoat for your sins, your soul will be redeemed. He'll get his own spiritual heritage as many, Why voluntarily surrendered in the redemptive death for us. And through his sacrifice took on the sins of many. "

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
In sections 52 and 53 of the Ησαϊα find a very impressive prophecy for the Μεσσία, in which the faithful recognize the passion of Jesus: "It was nice and attractive appearance. Had not luminance person, nor beauty.The face was καταφρονημένο . without value and glory. Accepted humiliation and humiliation on the part of people. But this is on top of the heavy load of our sin.He was wounded for our sins, suffered for our misdeeds. Thanks to that wound, we θεραπευτήκαμε. And this despite all the injuries suffered, not opened his mouth.As struck dumb sheep led to slaughter. As a lamb shall be identified by an in front to the κουρεύει, so moving, without opening the mouth. Removed violently and unjustly from the land of life. My child this, it says God,Did any illegality, nor was never outrageous untruth in the mouth. If you offer this as a scapegoat for the sins, your soul will redeem themselves. This will take as its own intellectual heritage many,Why voluntarily surrendered to redeeming feature for our death. And by sacrifice took more of the many sins".

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